A Most Memorable Day

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*Okay so I was looking through my old folders and I found this story that I wrote in Grade 5, which made me 11 at the time. I found it deep for a 11 year old to write and I wanted to share it, even though it doesn't go for very long at all. So, have fun reading! :)

A most memorable day  

As I looked down, a tear fell from my cheek into the Ocean.

I looked to the side and saw a pebble.

I picked it up and threw it out into the ocean's waves.

I turned around and, with the foggy mist in my face, I saw someone. Someone who made me happy.

I looked closer and I started to smile for I knew who it was.

It was my dad.

I couldn't believe it, I thought he was gone for good this time but when I blinked, he was gone.

"Maybe I was just so upset that I imagined him there?" I thought to myself, but just when I believed it was a dream, I saw him again.

I was so excited that I ran back to the house as fast as I could and told everyone that I saw my dad but the bad news was, they didn't believe me.

"Dylan, I am sorry but, you were imagining it all. We all know he's far away now," My mum explained.

"Dylan, I know you and dad were really close but you can say goodbye tomorrow," My sister Mia reasoned.

"You don't understand, I saw him, he's come back for me!" I yelled desperately.

"Honey, you know he can't come back," Mum said.

"Argh I am going for a walk," I said angrily, "I'll be back later."

As I walked out I slammed the door running and crying towards the beach.

When I stopped crying I saw a glow, I turned around and saw myself face to face with my dad.

He held out his hand and I placed mine in his as we sat on a log.

"Son, I know it's been a rough time for not just you, but everybody, but you've got to move on, I am in the past now. But just know that I love you and the others and promise me you'll look after them," My dad said.

Tears flooded to my eyes as I said, "I will."

"Good, I need to go now," He said with a warm smile.

"Bye dad, I love you."

"I love you too, son."

It finally felt right again.

The next morning I got up early and got ready. It was time for my dad's funeral.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2014 ⏰

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