Chapter One

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Mariah May Anne was a fifteen year old that has moved all her life. She learned to never get used to friends an all of that,even though she was good at making friends. She was a very confident girl. She would do anything for the people she loved. She was curious, loved school and she was very caring. She had bright long wavy red hair and green eyes. This is how her story began.

                     I woke up in the morning ready for a new school normally I would be dreading it but today was different I could just feel it! I got up put on my jeans a black and white striped shirt and my black converse. I saw the family dog Russel and petted him. Next I was the family cat Rose and petted her.

    I walked downstairs to see my family my mom June, my dad Barry, my brother that was going to college in a few days Mike and my nine year old sister Carly. Carly never liked switching schools she never understood to be honest neither did i but, when I turned ten I decided not to question it and just roll with it. My mom looked at me. Have a great day sweetie. I looked at her. Thanks mom. My dad looked at me. Hope you do well on your first day. "I smiled". You know I will. I looked at my brother. We were always close to eachother. Have fun sis. He told me. Next was Carly. Carly and I never really got along but, we were still family and I loved her. She looked at me have fun. Oh believe me I will. Than I was out the door.

      I saw the campus. It was breathtaking. The most beautiful school I've ever seen. A girl walks up to me hi I'm Jesse! Are you the new girl? Uh yes I am. Great let's show you around. So, she said casually. What brings you here? Oh uh well you know I always switch schools every two years and all of that stuff. Oh well that's too bad! I was really looking toward to making a new friend! Oh well we can still be friends. Yay! I could already tell that I liked this girl. She had olive skin and brown shoulder length hair with a little bit of blonde in it. Her eyes were brown and she wore jeans a t shirt and a leather jacket she also wore brown boots. Not to mention she was super perky and seemed happy all the time.

  I looked at her. So where do I go first? Oh well let's see what's on your schedule. Ok. Yaay history just like me! Let's go. Ok! I said running after her. I walked into the classroom. I saw a bunch of students but what caught my eye the most was a boy in the back. The teacher stood up and looked at me. Oh you must be the new student! I looked at him. I am. Welcome! I'm Mr. Ross and you are Mariah I answered quickly. Well I'm glad to have you here! Hi about you have a seat next to  Jake. I looked at the boy. That's the one I saw when I walked in. He had deep blue eyes and almond colored hair. I sat down. Hi, he said. "I blushed". Hi I said back. We both turned back to the chalk board watching Mr. Ross teach.  After class Mariah! "He called". I turned to him. Whats' s wrong? Nothing I just I guess I never properly introduced myself. Oh I am Jake Noborn I was raised on a farm and played sports all my life. I am also interested in video games as well. And you? You know to me it kinda just seems like you're showing off ya know?  He snorted. What no? I can also tell you're trying to be popular. He went red. What-I you know what see you at lunch. I laughed ok. Jesse walks up to me. You got Jake noborn to notice you?! "I shrugged" Yeah so? Wow you are just wow! Even Kelly Briden can't get him to notice her and she even had a boyfriend? " I rolled my eyes". I don't really have time for boys. She looked at me oddly. Well ok I got to get to math. Where are you going? I looked at my schedule. English. Oh, well see you at lunch. Ok. I walked to English and took a seat and Jake sat down next to me. Oh well would you look at that. He said. I'm in another class with you? It's like it was meant to be. What was. You and us. He stoped himself you know like friends and stuff. Yeah but, I can't get too attached. May I ask why? I go to a new school every two years. Why? You think you're parents would want you to adjust. I've said this every time someone asks me this. I really don't know. Oh, well just know that you're really good at making friends. I smiled. So he said smoothly. What do you like to do? Well... I've played volleyball since I was nine. I love to read and I've rescued animals from danger many times. He nodded cool. So my life is just cool and yours is probably fantastic. He suddenly frowned. My little brother died when I was ten. I stiffened. I'm sorry I didn't know. No it's fine we should get back to work anyway.

In the lunch line I saw Jesse there. Letting others go in front of her to wait for me. She walked up to me. You look sad. What's wrong? Well we were questioning each other about our families. She looked at me like she knew what happened. It's not your fault. But-just listen to me. It's not. Let's get our food sit down and I'll tell you what happened.

We sat down. Jake and I were best friends since Kindergarten. He was a really cool friend. He talked about his little brother that was two years younger than him all the time and I was always fasnaited. He loved him. When he was having a bad day he would always tell Jake. His name was Lewis. One day when, Jake was in the fourth grade he went to go play hide and seek with his brother. He couldn't find him. He walked in the kitchen to see his parents crying. He asked what happened and where he was and they said we disappeared but they didn't know how. Jake said It was a ghost. His parents. We're afraid for him, tired to get him help but he wouldn't listen. I tried talking to him. When we got to fifth grade he started hanging out with the popular people. He finally decided to talk to me again in the seventh grade. He told me that it was what was best. He needed a fresh start and nobody would want to be friends with someone that believed in ghosts. Oh I said. Let's go sof next to him. "Well you can. I can't face him. Yes, you can. Come on you can do this. Fine! She walked over to the table he was sitting at with himself. He looked up. Hi. Hey, I said back. Jesse was hiding behind me. Jake smirked. Jesse you know I can see you right? She stepped forward. We want to sit next to you. The look on his face was a look of shock, fear and happiness. Sure. Look, I said I'm really sorry about your brother-i. He stoped me. It happened a long time ago. Nobody could do anything. You know I don't think you're crazy. Really? How do I know you're just saying that? I shrugged.  I don't lie. Oh really? Before anyone could say anything else, Jesse looked him straight in the eyes. So you want to be friends again? He thought for a minute. Yes. She stood up. Really? All you have to say is yes? After all these years? He looked confused. I thought you would be happy we are friends again. Well all you have to say is yes. She grabbed her tray stood up and walked off. He looked at me. So what were we talking about? Ummm I thought.  That you're not crazy? He chuckled a little. So library after school? Definitely! Ok see you then.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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