~Chapter One~

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   Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises. -Pedro Calderon de la Barca

Chapter One

   It was a quiet, summer's day where the wind passed through the brush of the trees, leaving behind a soft rustling noise. Jin found this noise to be very serene and endearing.

   He stared out of his bay window and inhaled the aroma that was given off by the garden his bedroom faced. It smelled of nature and fresh dirt, a scent that he has grown to love.

   Prince Seokjin was fascinated by nature, its simplicity is what pleased him the most, along with the miracles it brought. He always found himself lost in a dream like state as he watched the sun break through the canopy of trees, or when the tulips first open at the break of dawn. It was the simplest things (which are constantly over looked by others) that brought him the upmost joy...yet the young boy seemed to lack true happiness that could only be found in love.

   A soft knock on the wooden door of his bedroom, snapped Jin out of his reverie. He cleared his throat and smoothed out the few wrinkles that decorated his pink salmon dress shirt.

"Enter." He authorized, standing up and facing the door that soon was pushed open. His maid came into view and she smiled up at him, bowing politely. Jin bowed back at her, also returning the smile she had given him.

"Prince Seokjin," she greeted. She wore a contagious smile that brightened up her eyes and made them sparkle. Her straightened black hair that reached her shoulders was usually pulled back with a ribbon or hair tie but today she had it loose. Jin could remember the day he first met her, he was about 11 years old and the maid was in her early twenties. She was the only maid that Seokjin could admit he truly liked and enjoyed seeing.

"Good afternoon, what can I do for you?" He asked as he straightened the sheets on his bed. Seokjin didn't like feeling useless and having people do things for him, so the easy things he would do himself. He made his bed every morning, kept his room and bathroom clean, and would help the chefs make dinner almost every day.

"King and Queen Kim are waiting to talk to you in the commons area. They said they have important matters to discuss with you." She replied, stepping aside so that Jin could walk out of the bedroom door when he was ready.

   Jin bowed, thanking his maid and walked towards the commons area. His bedroom, his parents room and the ten guest rooms were located on the second floor of the castle. The bedrooms that the workers stayed in also were on the second floor but were located in the East wing of the castle while the royal bedrooms were located in the West wing.

   Separating the West wing bedrooms from the East wing was a big commons area that consisted of chairs and a coffee table as well as a display of different art and statues. Its sole purpose was just to separate the bedrooms but ended up becoming a place where you could fawn over the beautiful artwork.

   The first floor consisted of the great hall, which was just an opened space that showcased the stairs that led to the second floor. To the right was the dining area, the kitchen and the ballroom. On the left was the library, the King's office, and the meeting room. Close to the stairs was a massive black piano, much like the one from the movie The Corpse Bride.

The castle Prince Jin lived in was huge, yet modest for a family of his rank in Korea. There are other royal families that stayed in Korea who had castles that were massive compared to the one that Jin lives in. Those royal families enjoyed the lush life and found comfort in bragging about their wealth and stature. Prince Seokjin's parents, King and Queen Kim strongly believed in humility and staying humble, but sometimes it was hard to not act upon their wealth.

   "Hi sweetie!" His mother greeted as she sat crossed legged on the victorian style settee. King Kim was seated beside her, his hand caressing her thigh softly. The gentle and insignificant skinship between his parents always made Jin long for a relationship like that. One where he could cherish the girl, and show her how much she was truly worth while getting love and affection in return.

"Good afternoon eomma, good afternoon appa," Jin bowed before his parents and sat down on the seat opposite of them.

"You needed to talk to me about something?" Jin asked as he sat with his back straight. When he was younger his dad would always get on his case about walking and sitting with the proper posture, now it came naturally to him.

"Ah yes! We have some stirring news, I suppose you could call it." King Kim smiled at his son. Jin nodded, signaling for them to continue.

   "We found you a wife Seokjin!" His mother exclaimed with a bright smile.

   "She is absolutely beautiful!" She added, clapping her hands in excitement. Jin stayed planted in his seat and and almost choked on the saliva in his mouth.

   "P-pardon?" He asked, his  eyebrows furrowing in disbelief. Jin wanted a significant other, but he wanted to find her on his own. He didn't want the girl to be chosen by his parents without his knowing.

"We found you the perfect girl son." King Kim responded. He truly believed that the beautiful girl would suite Prince Jin, her features accommodated his son perfectly.

"What? Why would you do such a thing?" Jin exclaimed while making sure he didn't raise his voice at his parents. Even when he got angry or irritated towards his parents, he made sure to still show reverence, after all they are his elders.

"You were not looking for one, so we came to the conclusion that it would be best if we chose her for you." His mother spoke up, giving her signature warm smile.

"Mother! I-I wanted to find the right girl for myself. I am not interested in being married off to a stranger!" Jin exclaimed as he began to become defensive.

"You have been single long enough! We need to keep the royal line going Kim Seokjin! She is an amazing girl and comes from a respectful family! She is coming over for dinner tomorrow and that is final!" King Kim raised his voice but quickly gained his composure by clearing his throat and relaxing his broad shoulders, the same ones that his son inherited.

"Yes appa." Jin mumbled as he stood up from his spot on the sofa and bowed at his parents.

I refuse to be married off to a stranger. Love can't be forced, and I won't allow it to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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