●Chapter 7●

66 15 56

How did you become so amazing?


"Wow. Guess who is already dressed for school at 6:45am" I say pouring some milk into a glass cup

"Oh please sister. Oh please. The party is today so I have to rush back home and get prepared so that's why I'm going so early" Jayden says with a mouthful of pancakes

"Oh. You haven't bribed me yet not to tell mom and dad" I say crossing my arms

"Come on Drey! You know I love you" he says doing sort of a puppy eyes

"Too bad. I don't love you so another bribe please" I say

"Ugh! What do you need" he says now facing me completely

"How about you get me the new set of kylie's lipkits" i say

"But mom already got you that!" He exclaims

"Haha i know but Andrea's birthday is coming up and I don't want to spend my money so.." I say chuckling

I'm so loving this.

"Alright alright. I'll get it for you. Wait How about I give you the money?" He says

"Nop. Go to the mall and get it your self and by the way on the gift card, write to Andrea, My one and only bae then sign your name there" i say smirking

"What The Fudge!" he screams

"Sorry bro" I say walking towards the door

"Now let's go to school" I say to him


"Pearl, can you help me tell Chef Tina to prepare some meal" Jayden says setting up the living room

"Ugh. This is your party not mine" I say eyeing him

"Pleaseee. I have to set up the drinks" he says

"Fine. You owe me" I say walking over to Chef Tina

"Hey Chef Tina" I say resting my elbow on the counter

"Good afternoon miss Pearl. What can I do for you this afternoon" she says giving me her normal smile

"Um Jayden is having a party and would like you to prepare some meal" I say

"Oh" she says giving me a look

"Thank you" I say walking away

I hope she doesn't spill any milk about the party to mom and dad

"Drey, will you be attending my party?" Jayden asks now getting some video games ready

"Nop. I will stay in my room. Parties are not my thing" I say

"Okay suit your self. But just know this party is going to be the best party.." Before Jayden could finish talking, I was already up the stairs

"Kitten" he muttered under his breath


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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