|the sorting|

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hi everyone, I'm the author !!
are you ready for gryffindor!draco?
cus im not.

but i really like this au and so im going to write it. have fun, leave comments, votes, and follows, and have a nice dayy‼

-the very tired, depressed, hayleigh

in the beginning, there was fire.
there was light.
ignited by one family, and extinguished by the other.

rivals, so to speak, with a color sense that clashed.

and then their children came of age.
are you ready?

p. o. v? ha

today was september 1st, the children's first day at hogwarts. draco had just been left at platform 9 & 3/4 with a farewell message of "you're a malfoy, make us proud or you'll regret it," from his father and a hushed "i love you," from his mother.

he was scared, what eleven year old wouldn't be? but he was, in fact, a malfoy, and malfoy's do not show emotion. emotions are for the weak.
he would not be weak.

draco met up with crabbe and goyle, who he had known since he could walk, through no choice of his own, might he add, and they boarded the hogwart's express together.

they found an empty compartment but were soon joined by a few other children of the snobbish type, and started talking.

"draco, aren't you excited to finally be with all the other slytherins?" said one girl, pansy i think, excitedly.

"oh, very much so. we have to make our parents proud, don't we?"

"yes, yes, and green is just my favvvorite color!" she exclaimed.

"ah, you're loud," he commented.

"sorry, sorry, just excited!"

"i see, well wake me up when we arrive, please," draco stated. and with that he turned towards the window and promptly dozed off.

"draco draco draco we're hereee!" pansy woke him.
"oh, finally!"

they got off the train, pushing through the throng of students as draco took in his surroundings.

it was evening already, and he could see carriages lining the pathway to the left. the edge of a lake lined with boats to the right. standing by was a huge mass of a man, if you could call him that.

"first yers over ere please! first yers over ere! foller me little tykes!" the giant hollered."don be scared of ol' hagrid now, come ere!"

draco and the rest of his group made their way towards him, because they had no other choice, and hagrid guided all of the first years onto the boats that were waiting.

the trip across the black lake was a long one, but all of the first years arrived in one piece. waiting on the other side was an old woman with brownish gray hair, and cat-eye glasses. she seemed nice and home like, something draco had only come across once in his mother.

"hello, everyone! i am professor mcgonagall and I'd like to welcome all of you to hogwarts! now if we can all get inside in an orderly fashion, we can begin the sorting!" and with that she opened the doors, revealing an entrance to the great hall that they all made their way into.

standing at the front next to a podium had to be dumbledore himself.

"welcome, welcome! first years come inside, no need to be afraid, and lets get you all sorted so we can enjoy the feast!"

draco waited patiently for what seemed like hours as the kids around him were sorted one by one. crabbe and goyle to slytherin of course, some bushy haired girl and a red haired twat to gryffindor; he didn't pay attention to the rest, really. finally it was his turn.

draco made his way to the front and sat down on the stool, as mcgonagall placed the sorting hat on his head.

the hat was mumbling to himself and draco got scared.
"hmm, you'd do well in slytherin, malfoy after all. and you are very intelligent. ah, i see some bravery locked inside you, boy. don't worry, everything will be fine, " and with that the decision was made. "GRYFFINDOR!"

the great hall was quiet. draco didn't know what to do. what would father say? dumbledore had a slight smirk on his face, and mcgonagall looked confused as well. finally, after a slight nudge from dumbledore, she took a step towards draco. she gently removed the hat from his head, and nudged him towards the gryffindor table. draco put his head down in shame and walked that way as the already sorted slytherins cackled at him, blood traitor.

draco finally took his seat at the gryffindor table and a few moved away from him; he wasn't suprised. he was alone, and trying to think of a way that he could make it oit of this alive. all eyes were on him, that is, until harry potter was sorted.

"potter, harry!" mcgonagall called. every head in the room snapped towards him; the bloody boy who lived.

the hat was on his head even longer than it was on draco's, before "GRYFFINDOR!" was announced.

harry moved to sit next to ron and hermione, they had met on the train, but instead he very nervously sat next to draco. hermione and ron followed, giving him weird looks.

"h-hi," harry started."I'm harry."

"malfoy, draco malfoy," he whispered, bewildered as to why the golden child he had idolized secretly when he was young, was sitting next to him, an immediate outcast.

"this is ron, and-"

"-hermione, hermione granger," the bushy haired one cut in.

"yes, yes, we thought you needed a friend. it doesn't seem anyone took you being a gryffindor very nicely."

"of course not. im a malfoy for merlin's sake. a very long line of slytherin family to dissapoint."

"that's okay, we don't mind where you come from. as long as you're okay with us being your friend?" hermione asked cautiously. ron still hadn't said a word.

draco was hesitant. his whole life he had been taught to hate, hate, hate. but maybe this was his chance to get out of that life. his father would be angry, but his mother could convince him to see reason. after all, anything was better than hufflepuff.

he took a deep breath before nodding slowly. maybe this would be okay. it had to be.

it was after the last of the first years had been sorted and before the feast. dumbledore made eye contact wih harry and gave him a smile. so much was conveyed in that small expression. assurance, he had done the right thing. maybe dumbledore knew why, maybe he didn't. but harry knew he had made friends, and had but his trust into the sorting hat.
"everything will be fine."

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