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"Hyung, how do you raise a Hybrid?" Jungkook asked, sitting opposite from Hoseok and Yoongi (A/N: I had to include YoonMinSeok).

Yoongi smiled, happy that this day had finally come. "Jimin!" Hoseok called. Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi's cat hybrid, ran into the room; tail wagging and a small was on his face as he approached Jungkook and his two owners.

"You just have to be nice, make sure to not scare them. Jimin is used to use now, but at the start, he was scared of us. Be careful. No shouting, swearing or mistreating them." Hoseok explained, smiling as he watched Jimin climb up to Yoongi's lap.

Yoongi stroked Jimin's hair, laughing sweetly as Jimin purred and closed his eyes peacefully. "Shall we take you to the Hybrid adoption centre tomorrow?" Yoongi asked, passing Jimin onto Hoseok lap as he stood up to collect the cups. Jungkook clapped his hands with a huge bunny smile on his face.

"Thank you, hyungs! I'll be going now, Jin hyung wanted to talk to me." Jungkook said and put his coat back on as he stood up. Once both of his arms were through the holes, he stroked Jimin softly and said his goodbyes to Hoseok and Yoongi before leaving the YoonMinSeok household.

Jungkook walked next door, happy that all of his hyungs lived in front of his house. He knocked on his hyung's door, waiting for a few seconds before a happy face came into view. "Kookie!" Jin yelled and pulled Jungkook into a hug. "How are you, son?" Jin asked and walked Jungkook into his home, closing the door behind Jungkook.

They both walked into Jin's living room. Jungkook gasped and cooed as he noticed a cat hybrid sitting on Jin's couch. "Aww aren't you a cutie?!" Jungkook squealed and ran over to the cute hybrid, stroking its soft hair. The hybrid moved away and ran over to Jin, bumping into a glass jar as he jumped into Jin's arms.

"Sorry hyung." Jungkook apologised, his head down low as Jin was rocking the hybrid in his arms. Jin smiled at Jungkook. "It's okay, Kook. This is Namjoon, he's a cat hybrid. He takes a while to get used to. And he's really destructive, so be careful." Jin warned as he placed the smiling hybrid into Jungkook's lap. "Annyeong~" Jungkook said sweetly and stroked Namjoon's hair.

Namjoon looked up slowly, a smile forming onto his face. "A-Annyeong." Namjoon said, his voice was quiet and calm as he got comfortable in Jungkook's lap. Jungkook smiled and stroked Namjoon's hair. "Hyung, I'm going to the adoption centre tomorrow to get a hybrid. Hoseok hyung and Yoongi hyung are taking me." Jungkook said, hugging Namjoon; who instantly replied back and hugged Jungkook back, getting warmer towards Jungkook.

"Oh cool. That's sweet." Jin said and sat down. He looked a bit jealous that Namjoon was hugging Jungkook so tightly. "Hyung, you can have him back." Jungkook said, spotting Jin's jealously. Jungkook stood up and placed Namjoon onto his hyung's lap. Jin smiled and hugged Namjoon, who hugged back instantly. "Hyung, I better go. I need to get ready for work soon." Jungkook said and hugged Jin, being careful to not hurt Namjoon, and then left Jin and Namjoon's household. (A/N: there's a reason why I haven't put NamJin yet, just wait 🙏)


Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this prologue. Make sure to wait for the next updates soon. Thanks again.

Saranghae and fighting!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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