Chapter One - Shellington and Dashi

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(Author's Note: Hi everyone! This is my first published work on Wattpad and I would really appreciate any comments or suggestions.

This chapter is in dual perspective - Shellington is normal text and Dashi is in italics. If it's confusing, don't hesitate to say so!!

Also, if you're reading this and you're my parents, please stop! I can explain!)

It was 2:03 pm when Shellington stepped into the Seastar Café.

He'd been meaning to stop by the café since the beginning of the semester, two weeks ago. Even though he'd missed having lunch with his classmates earlier, he wasn't late enough to bypass the afternoon rush! As he stepped around tables and chairs, he subconsciously laid a protective arm over his satchel as if to deter pickpockets—as if pickpockets would be interested in stealing scientific notebooks and photographs anyway. Finding the end of the line, Shellington hurriedly moved over, giving the woman in front of him a quick smile. She returned it, then turned back around, leaving him to examine the menu alone.

It was already my fifth week at the cash register—a big step up from dishwashing duty, but still kind of tiring!

I took this job at the Seastar Cafe to pay the rent—there aren't many jobs an inexperienced college student can get straight off the bat. But even though I try to see the good in it—the pay, the increased trust and responsibility, the nicer uniform—it can be hard when you're essentially just another working stiff! I'd say I'm generally pretty friendly, but it can be hard when you're forced to be friendly to everyone all the time, no matter how you're really feeling.

I hate to admit it, but I was reluctantly checking the time on the clock, counting the minutes until my shift ended at 3:00, when a boy with messy brown hair and a large satchel approached the counter. I stuck a halfhearted smile on my face, trying to make myself cheerful, and was about to give him the scripted greeting when he smiled hugely at me. His eyes sort of lit up when he smiled, in the way that an excited kid's might do. It was a surprise—you don't see many of those expressions when you're just the cashier! My own smile brightened in response.

"Hi, welcome to the Seastar Cafe! How are you doing today?" Wait, that wasn't the scripted greeting.

"I'm doing quite well, thanks," he said, with a Scottish burr. "And you?" Finally, someone who took the time to be nice to the cashier!

"I'm also doing pretty well," I answered, pepping up from his friendliness. "Thanks for asking! What can we get for you today?"

Shellington gave his order with just a quick glance at the menu board. The girl behind the counter gave a chuckle as she added the meal to his tab.

Shellington felt himself laugh along, a bit awkwardly. "Erm... What's so funny?" he asked. Then, with a tinge of embarrassment: "Oh no, I don't have something on my face, do I?" He took a tissue from the dispenser on the counter and began to gingerly pat his nose.

"No, no!" The girl laughed again, but not maliciously. Her eyes sparkled, and she looked visibly happier than she had done earlier. It made him pleased that he had made her happy. "It's just... Not many people know what they want as soon as they get up here. It's always nice to find someone who does."

"Oh!" Shellington removed the tissue from his face. "Well, I try," he answered modestly. The girl laughed again, and he joined in a bit more confidently this time. She brushed her bangs to the side and smiled at him, seemingly genuinely happy. A twinge of something went up in his heart, and suddenly he knew he wanted to get to know this girl.

"I'm Shellington," he said, and he stuck his hand out over the counter. His elbow promptly hit the tip jar, and I couldn't help but let out a giggle at his "Oh." The clumsy move was endearing, and after moving away the jar, I gladly shook his hand

"I'm Dashi," I replied. "You from around here?"

"Oh, no." He gestured awkwardly towards his mouth, as if to reference his voice. "Scotland."

"Oh, right!" It was my turn to gesture awkwardly. "Sorry, just—tired. You're here for...?"

"University," he answered. "I'm actually studying near here, at—"

The woman behind him cleared her throat loudly. He turned around and blushed slightly as she fixed him with a withering glare. "Oh, I—I'm sorry," he apologized, and began feeling his pockets for his wallet. He looked at me. "How much do I owe you?"

I checked the register. "$8.62."

He passed me the money with a small smile, which I returned with his change and receipt.

"Well, it was nice meeting you," Dashi said cheerfully. "Even if—you know—we didn't get to talk very much."

"Ha, yeah," he agreed. "But I do study around here, so..."

"And now you know when my shift is!" She grinned at him. "Same time every day. Stop by anytime! I won't complain, I promise!"

Shellington returned the smile, and with one last little wave, he shouldered his bag and stepped aside to wait for his meal.

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