Chapter 15

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"Good book is it?"

I am so engulfed within the pages that I don't even hear Alex bound down the stairs.

Out of shock, I slam the book closed and hold it close to my chest hoping that my heart will pick up the beat that it just skipped and continue on a more calming rhythm.

"Umm, yes." I manage to spit out my reply and try to hide my blushing cheeks from his view.

I glance over to him and have to turn away instantly. He has decided to strut around with only jeans on revealing his impeccably toned physique.

Alex chooses to sit across from me on the chaise lounge and watch me carefully.

"So, you figured out that you were locked in and decided to just give up?" his voice drips with sarcasm as it brings me to lay the book on down.

All of the sexual attraction that I was feeling toward Alex is gone with one single sentence. I can't help myself but retaliate.

"No. I tried for over an hour to escape but it was completely useless. So, I decided to think happy thoughts and return to my love of reading. Something that you can never take from me." I return his sarcasm with my own morbid version and choose to scowl at him.

I mentally shake my head for letting myself get carried away with my physical attraction to Alex as I recall what he is really like. He is still the same dangerous man that tore at my throat and then threw me in a cell to be sold like an animal. Even if he is the most handsome man I have ever met, I will not forget what he has done to me so quickly.

"I don't blame you for being angry with me. But please see the upside of things; this time you have an entire loft to entertain you instead of a tiny bedroom." His words are honest, almost as though he believes that he has done me a service.

I lift my head to scowl at him once more but for some reason can't seem to bring myself to focus all that hatred toward him at once. He is right. At least I'm not stuck in a tiny bedroom again.

Without a word Alex stands and heads back upstairs and leaves me for at least 20 minutes. I get completely enthralled in the book once more that I don't even hear when he comes back downstairs again. It isn't until he hands me a glass of scotch and urges me to drink that I even register that he is there.

I look up at him confused as to why he seems to be bent on giving me alcohol and am met with the pleading face of happy Alex.

I accept the glass and put the book down gently and watch as Alex takes his seat across from me just as before.

In his ventures upstairs he managed to find a shirt to wear and I smile inside, relieved that he has chosen to cover up his extremely stare worthy body.

I stare at my drink for a brief before shrugging my shoulders and taking a gulp.

I guzzle my portion down and set the glass aside and give off a hearty cough. Although the drink goes down smoothly, I have never tasted alcohol quite like it. All I have ever know is old wine at dinner parties with Uncle James and his officers. Even though he is not my father he still decided to parade my brothers and I around at his events like we were prized possessions, but as soon as the party ended we were shipped back with the rest of the children and far away from him.

Before I realize, Alex has poured another drink for us both and sits eagerly awaiting my reaction.

I decide to shock him. I know that he expects me to decline or to gently sip this one, but instead I decide to gulp down this one much like the first and then demand another.

"Well I must admit I thought you would have given up after one drink, Evie. It is nice to finally have a drinking buddy." He pours the next round but this time I decide to take it a little slowly. I don't want to get drunk and pass out leaving me alone and vulnerable to Alex once again.

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