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At around 11 o’clock P.M. of June 13, 2007 in Georgetown – A young boy was walking down the street. “Bang!” .He was shot in the head. Bystanders were able to notice the incident. They called an ambulance and rushed the unconscious boy to the nearest hospital, St. Michael’s Medical Institute.

 Dr. Armando Perez, the only neurosurgeon of St. Michael’s Medical Institute had just finished surgery at a separate hospital when St. Michael’s charge nurse for the neuro intensive care unit called up for an emergency operation. “Dr. Perez, we have a young boy here in St. Michael’s with a bullet in his head. We need you quick!” the nurse demanded. “Oh God! Hold on, I’ll be there ASAP. Make sure that the boy will be ready for operation,” replied Dr. Perez while rushing to his car.

In the hospital, Dr. Perez’s team was dressing up the patient, getting him ready for operation. Meanwhile, Dr. Perez was on his way, he was overtaking and passing by all the cars in the highway. He just couldn’t let a patient die in his hands. As he reached an intersection, just five blocks away from St. Michael’s Medical Institute, the traffic lights told him to stop. A stranger in a black jacket, approached his car, knocking thunderously on the car window. “Open up or I’ll break it,” the stranger asserted. “What do you want? Money? Here, take all of it!” Dr. Perez panicked. “Step out of the car,” the stranger said. “No, you don’t under...”,”Step out of the car or I’ll f*cking kill you!” the stranger interrupted in anger while showing the doctor a knife. Dr. Perez without no choice and hesitation, went out of the car.

Dr. Perez was in deep frustration. He knew if he wasn’t going to get any sooner to the hospital, the poor child would die an unfulfilling life. So, he ran 2 blocks and luckily he was able to get a cab to the hospital.

But it was already too late. The young boy already lost a huge amount of blood from his body. Dr. Perez’s team tried to transfuse blood and revive the boy but it was no use. A man rushed into the hospital doors and shouted “How’s my son?” The charge nurse asked “Sir, are you the father of the boy who got shot in the head?” “Yes. How is he?” the father wept. “Your son has lost a fairly huge amount of blood. Sir, I’m very sorry to announce that he’s gone,” explained the nurse. The father was in shock, he paused for a second and decided to sit on the waiting area. He covered his face and started to cry.

Moments later, Dr. Perez arrived and was saddened of the event. Dr. Perez saw the man in the waiting area. He was shocked that the father had a similar jacket to what the carnapper wore. Dr. Perez approached the father and told him “Sir, I am Dr. Perez, I’m really sorry for what happened. While I was on my way, some crook pointed a knife at me and got my car. I was forced to run a few blocks and then get a cab. I too, am deeply saddened for what happened.”

He approached his team and explained “A carnapper with a knife kicked me of my car and I decided to run a few blocks and get a cab.” “But doctor, your car is parked over there,” the nurse said while pointing at Dr. Perez’s car. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2014 ⏰

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