Justin Bieber Imagines

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Hi there Belieber! ;)

The first few parts of imagines might not be much of your expectations, but I've improved alot, and when I say 'alot' I mean really really lot. Don't judge me with my first few imagines. Read them all and you'll know how much I've improved. Thanks! :)

Thank you so much for reading this. I know you're having the urge to click next page but don't. This is a note regarding Personal Imagine Requests. If you want an Imagine, message me your details like Name, Eye Color, Hair Color and Some of your favourites (Like Candy? Song? Color?) 

DO NOT COMMENT YOUR REQUESTS. I accept all requests! Just send them and I'll write one and put it up. I haven't said no to anyone and I haven't disappointed anyone. So FEEL FREE AND REQUEST AS MANY AS YOU WANT! ;)

Follow me on Wattpad! And on Twitter: @MrsAnyaBieber to know more about updates, sneak-peeks, about your requested imagines and everything else! I follow back everyone on both Wattpad and on Twitter! I follow back! Thank you so much if you do so. 

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'Bitten' (JBFF- Vampire Love Story) (NEW!)

Check 'My Works' on my page to read all of those amazing stories! ;)



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