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"Get the hell back here now, boy!"

Jeongguk heard the demonic howls of laughter and cursing that followed him throughout the damp, hallow midnight streets of Stockholm. His heart pounded profusely in fright against his now rattling chest. His cheeks sat flushed, while his blood ran cold in his veins from the raw adrenalin that circulated throughout his body.

Jeongguk had no clue as to why these people were following him, or what they could possibly have in mind for him. The pope probably knew just as much - or maybe just as little. He was left in the dark. Rather literally in this matter. Left with gods knows what type of criminals and creatures that lurked the ominous Stockholm streets.

Jeongguk couldn't remember getting on anybody's bad side — well — at least not to cause something to this extent. Maybe he had conned a few people, or maybe a couple hundred people into lending him a few hundred kronor within bars for free drinks. Of course vowing to pay them back in due time; which he surprisingly did most of the time. Or further, just plain pickpocketing small amounts of cash from his late-night drunken hookups, only because he knew otherwise they wouldn't be able to remember any collection of it all the next morning.

Other than those mild offences, he swore to have done nothing else. He was certain of it.

Not that Jeongguk's drunken mind chose to deceiver much over the past months. Especially not anything of importance - clearly.

Jeongguk prayed he was imagining it all. That just possibly - all the countless late-nights and inhumanly early evenings of being sloshed, due to the fierce partying he had took part in during the past months of him arriving in Stockholm, Sweden, had finally done a job on his poor braincells. And of course, now this was his brains perfectly planed way of saying a good ol': 'fuck you' - courtesy of your kidneys.

The sad thing was, Jeongguk would of welcomed that idea far more at this particular moment.

But surely, who wouldn't?

Jeongguk wasn't a believer of anything but the norm. He was a man occupied by only facts. Not that they normally were to come from his own mouth. Especially the past months, which due respect was his chosen reasoning for traveling to the country and neighbouring in it. Though his plains of obtaining a career was hastily backfired, and Jeongguk had been left with a bitter taste that was anything but sweet in terms towards his past motive in his mouth ever since.

If it wasn't proven scientific facts — or basic damn common-sense — it was as good and clear as a flick to the wrists. But the unsettling thing was, something about the situation felt so abnormal to the young male, though it seemed just so... unknown and vile. Just so hard not to somehow believe of the pestering possibilities and to relish in them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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