Minor Annoyance

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Well in one of their rooms all hanging out but a few who don't have free time or not feeling up to hang out with the others.

Youngjae watches Mark and Jackson playing around and he's sad once again JB is ignoring him so he has to find someone to play with well he waits for the leader to give him the time of day again.

BamBam runs over towards the MarkSon couple dressed up nicely.

"Where are you three going?" Jinyoung asks the trio of men.

"Out" Jackson replies.

"Where though?" He questions them more and stops them at the door.

"Can I come with?" Jae asks and Jin looks over to him.

Mark thinks about it well Bam gets around Jinyoung and heads to the door Jackson follows after.

"I don't see why not, just go dress quickly, I'll give you ten minutes meet us down stairs" Mark tells him and he heads out after the other two.

"Just don't drink to much" Jin tells him well he helps undress/dress him.

"Please hyung I'll be fine" Youngjae says and when he fixes his hair he gets stopped by the older man and he stares at him.

Jinyoung smiles before leaning in towards him and placing a kiss on his forehead, Youngjae makes a sound and pushes the older away.

"I have to go Mark said-Shh I know what he said just call me if you need anything, knowing them they may leave you" He tells the younger and drags him out and into the lift and when they get to the entrance of the hotel he pushes him out of the door after hugging him.

"Stay safe" Jin waves them all off.

"Who's staying safe" Jaebum asks as he walks in with the Manager.

"Just the others they're going out to gets drinks" he tells the leader.

"Who, I know Yugyeom and BamBam are too young, so the others" JB says.

"Well I don't know if BamBam is going to drink but he's fine with Mark Hyung &Jackson and well Youngjae last minute went with them all" He told him and made his way up to his room leaving the leader alone.

"Jinyoung you let Jaejae go with them, are you insane what if they do something to him or worst leave him alone to get bothered by others" JB yells at the others door.

Jinyoung opens it and glares at the other. "He'll be fine, don't be paranoid, he really needs this" Jin tells him and he's about to shut his door when JB stops it with his foot.

"You know where they went right?" He asks sounding a bit agitated and he walks in and starts pacing,

"I texted them when I got up here and they just text back now with these pictuers" Jinyoung says and shows the leader the photos on his phone.

Jaebun takes his phone and looks through it and he sighs.

"Look he's having fun, don't be so worried about him" Jin says and grabs his phone back and goes to lays down and starts playing a game on his phone.

The leader fines a chair and he takes the remote and turns the tv on and flips through the channles til he fines a movie that seems good.

"Aer you going to leave me in peace" Jinyoung ask and he groans as the other igonres him.

"Fine but get out when he comes back" Jinyoung tells him and JB makes sound showing he heared him.

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