Part Two: Who is this man and what does he have to say?

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.This Is The Ring Hermione Gets Out Of The Vault In Gringrotts.

"Well, do you two tell her or should I do it," the man asks. "We will, Mr Warren. Just.. let us take some time," my mother asks him. Father signs me to sit down and I do. "Hermione.. we.. you are not our biological daughter," dad sighs.

My mouth forms a perfect O-shape. "You are the daughter of two prisoners in Azkaban. Well, ex-prisoners," the unknown man cuts in. "Wha-what? How," I ask, completely out of my comfort zone.

"We adopted you from the Ministry of Magic after your parents got arrested. They put a Glamour-charm on you which gave you a different appearance, to protect you. Your real appearance.. yeah.. is this." "Well, who are my real parents then?"

"That is why this man is here, Hermione. In fact we don't really know. They hid that to protect us from harm. We just know they did horrible things." The Ministryworker clears his throat and gives me an old box. It was made of some cold, black and kind of smooth material with silver decorations.

The lock was some sort of family shield which I didn't recognise. I open the box and look at the content. It held a card(which turned out to be a birthcard after a closer look), a pair of babyshoes, a black curl and a photo. I grab the birthcard and look at it.

Rodolphus Lestrange and Bellatrix Lestrange néé Black are delighted to announce the birth of their daughter: Hermione Belle Lestrange.   Aunt: Narcissa Malfoy néé Black.   Uncles:  Rabastan Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy.   Cousin : Draco Malfoy(2 months old).   Godfather:  Severus Snape.   Godmother: Narcissa Malfoy.

Wow.. this was confronting. I was the daughter of the escaped prisoners from 5th year, some Death Eaters. Narcissa Malfoy was my aunt and godmother and Severus Snape was my godfather! Lucius and Draco Malfoy were my uncle and cousin! Rabastan Lestrange, one of the torturors of Frank and Alice Longbottom, was my uncle!

I have the feeling I could faint and throw up at the same moment. "Miss Granger, are you alright," the Ministryworker asks. "I guess I am not a Granger anymore, am I," I ask through gritted teeth.

"Miss Lestrange.. I need to tell you you will be living at a safety ward at the Ministry of Magic from now on. As your parents escaped Azkaban, we will need to keep you safe from them. When they know you have returned, they will certainly try to get you back."

"But.. I can still attend Hogwarts, right?" "You can, but there will be safety rules for you. I will escort you to get your money today. Then, I will bring you to your new room at the Ministry. Grab your stuff and I will bring you to Diagon Alley." I nod and walk back upstairs.

I begin to cry silently while I pack my stuff. When I walk back downstairs I hug my adoptive parents goodbye. No matter they were 'just adoptive', they have raised me into how I am now and I'm grateful for that. The Ministryworker grabs my arm and we Apparate to the Leaky Cauldron.

Tom, the barman, looks curiously at us. "Hello Rickon, do you want a Butterbeer?" "Sorry Tom, but I am working right now." "Do you maybe want something to drink child," Tom asks, facing me. "No Tom, thank you," I reply kindly to him.

Mr Warren takes my hand and he drags me to the entrance of Diagon Alley. After some minutes of walking we stand before the big building of Gringrotts Bank. We walk inside and stop before a goblin, who was writing something down on a piece of parchment.

"Hum hum,"Mr Warren clears his throat, trying to get the attention of the goblin before us. The goblin looks up, staring down at us as he sits higher than us. "How can I help you?" "We need access to the Lestrange Vault," Warren says, giving the goblin a key.

The goblin studies the key and looks then at me. "Exactly Mrs Lestrange, isn't she," the goblin says, now studying my looks. I feel uncomfortable and my cheeks turn red. The goblin signs us to a door and another goblin takes us into a minecart.

After a wild trip to the deepest of the bank we can finally step out. The goblin warns us to stay back while he is 'distracting the dragon'. I swallowed when I heard that. Luckily, not much later the goblin says that it's safe and he takes us to the vault. The goblin strokes with his finger over the lock and the door goes open with a 'click'-noise.

Warren gestures me to climb into the vault and I look around. It had a lot of Galleons, Sickles and Knuts in it, but also expensive jewelry and old relics of the ancient houses of Lestrange and some of Black. "Grab some money and let's head out of here," Warren sigs. I nod and grab a moneybag to put the money in.

My eye catches a beautiful ring. It was silver with a black obsidian. "Mr Warren, may I take this ring?" "Of course you can, this is your vault as well, remember," he says, leaning against the wall. I take the ring and put it around my finger. It was beautiful by my black dress.

"We should go Miss Lestrange, you'll probably need some time to get used to your new room." "Is there anyone more then only me?" "Yes, Mrs Ramsay lives there as well, you know, life threatening situation." "But no one.. of my age perhaps?" "I think not Miss Lestrange, I'm sorry for that." I sigh.

"We will buy your stuff tomorrow, alright?" "Yeah, sure." He nods and we Apparate to the Ministry of Magic.

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