The small red Seeker bent over his much larger blue patient yet again, just finishing up his repair work. As he moved to pull back, a large servo suddenly incased his right arm, causing him to tense up. His optics snapped to his patient's faceplates, wide with fear and uncertainty as he watched the other's optics flicker on.
When they finally turned on, they emitted a soft yellow glow, lightening up the orange faceplates of the bot they belonged to. The look that was given to the red Seeker, however, was not soft. His patient had awoken confused and angry.
There was a tense, long moment of silence between the two Cybertronians as they regarded each other. The red Seeker was trying to keep calm and appear rather relaxed under the unnerving stare. The continued silence wasn't helping him any.
"Who are you?"
The Seeker had nearly jumped out of his plating when the blue mech had finally spoken, taking a moment to determine his best course of action. The blue mech seemed to be trying to hold back his impatience at the lack of an answer, tightening his grip on the Seeker's arm a little bit more.
"Well? You gonna answer or not?" the blue mech prompted, optics narrowing.
"I'm the mech who's just saved your life," the red Seeker finally snapped, tugging his arm free with strength one might not expect someone so small and frail looking to possess. The action had also caught the bigger mech by surprise.
"I didn't ask you to." It was almost a growl, before the blue mech held in a wince at the pain he could finally feel now that he wasn't focusing all of his attention only on the red Seeker before him.
"When I found you, you were in no condition to ask anything. You're lucky to be alive." The red Seeker's arms crossed as he glared at the bigger blue mech. "No one respects the medics anymore, is that it?"
The blue mech was silent for a moment, looking down slightly, before glaring back to the red Seeker. "Autobot or Decepticon?"
The red Seeker's wings twitched as he looked to his patient, then laughed, shaking his helm. "Neither. I don't wish to take part in this petty little war. I'm merely staying out of the way and awaiting it's end. Surely it won't last too much longer, right?"
The laughter caused the blue mech to blink, then stare at the red Seeker. After a moment of being stared at, the red mech shifted his weight slightly, raising an optic ridge questioningly. "What?"
The blue mech shook his helm, "You're stupid if you think you can avoid this war. You'll be pulled in eventually." There was a short pause, before he spoke again, "Hey.. why did you save me, anyway? You said you wanted nothing to do with the war."
"What? Just because I don't want to hop onto a side and start bashing fellow Cybertronians, suddenly means I also will just sit by and let one die if I can save them? No. I'm not Sparkless!" The last part was said with a bit of venoum, causing the blue mech to almost flinch involuntarily.
"Sorry doc, I didn't mean any offence." He did not intend for his savior to take his question the way he had.
"... Knock Out." It was said in a soft voice.
"What?" the blue mech was confused as to why he had said that.
"My name. Knock Out. Please, don't call me doc." The request had the blue mech tilting his helm, but he then nods.
"Breakdown..." he offered after a moment's silence, watching the red Seeker.
"Well... Breakdown," Knock Out ran a quick scan over Breakdown's body, causing him to tense in surprise, "... It would appear you're good to go. Try not to assalt your next medic who saves you, eh?"
Breakdown relaxes slightly again, before nodding in acknowledgement. He stood up, towering over the smaller Seeker quite a bit.
"Guess I should thank you, huh?" he reached out, awkwardly, yet gently, patting Knock Out on the helm, causing the Seeker's wings to shoot up and stiffen. "Think I'll see you again, doc?.. Er... Knock Out."
Knock Out looked up to the big brute, growing ever curious about him with every word he said, and every action he made. He seemed different then all those other mechs in that group he was a part of. Wreckers. Tough bots, who do stupidly dangerous things that everyone else is sane enough not to.
"Perhaps. But for your sake, I hope not." there was a short pause before Knock Out quickly added, "At least, not under these circumstances."
Breakdown nodded, completely understanding his reasoning. "I understand. Stay safe." He started to walk off, before pausing, turning to look back to Knock Out. "And, whatever you do, stay away from those fragging Decepticons."

The Beginning
FanfictionA take on how Knock Out met Breakdown. (Note: This Knock Out is a different take on the canon one. He's been adapted to be more like the one I roleplay as, over the canon one. So he's definitely out of character.)