Darkness Rises

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    Optics Online.

    A green light flashed.  For a moment, everything was colored with a green hue.  Then color filters activated, and everything was its proper color.  Next, Identification Programs activated. While scanning the room, several life forms were revealed; all CYBERTRONIAN.  All DECEPTICON.

    Among them were:

SHOCKWAVE- A genius; not only scientifically, but militarily.  Cold logic is is driving force.

LUGNUT- Ever loyal, but always abandoned.  His brute strength and fighting prowess in the arenas of KAON, earned him the nickname, the "Kaon Crusher".

SOUNDWAVE- Communications Chief and Intelligence gatherer.  His silence speaks volumes.  And as always, Soundwave was ccompanied by his ever present minions, the thuggish RUMBLE and FRENZY, the tracker and saboteur RAVAGE, and the winged spy and interrogator LASERBEAK.

    Also present were:

SLIPSTREAM- Commander of the SEEKERS, the Decepticons Elite Air Force

AIRACHNID- A distant relative of the ancient INSECTICON clan, who had long ago abandoned the Decepticon cause.  Something appears to have drawn her back into the fold.

    And last, but not least was KNOCK OUT- An egomaniac whom the Decepticons loosely refer to as their medic.  Though even Knock Out himself admits he is better at breaking things than repairing them.

    Slipstream was the first of the Decepticons to speak up.

SLIPSTREAM: "My lord?  Can you hear me?"

   Audio Modules at peak efficiency.

    The Black and purple mech laying upon the operating table stirred.  He turned to Slipstream and grinned.  In seconds, he had broken free of the straps holding him to the table.  

BLACK AND PURPLE MECH: "I...still...function!"

    One thing was made clear to the assembled Decepticons.  Their leader had been reborn.  MEGATRON was back.  
    Lugnut quickly dropped to his knee servos and prostrated himself before his master.

LUGNUT: "All hail the grand and glorious Megatron!"

    Knock Out shook his head in embarassment.  Megatron merely smiled.

MEGATRON: "Rise Lugnut."

Megatron stared at his reflection on one of the metal wallas of the operating theater.  He scanned over his newly acquired form, taking special note of the twin energo-blades adorning his fusion cannon.

MEGATRON: "I assume you are responsible for my...upgrade, doctor?"

KNOCK OUT: "I designed, and built your new frame; including all of your external upgrades.  But Shockwave here is responsible for the, ah, internal upgrading."

Megatron turned to his cycloptic science officer.  Shockwave was a very powerful Decepticon in his own right.  He had made no effort to hide the fact that he believed himself a more suitable leader in the past, and Megatron was slightly puzzled as to why Shockwave would repair him.  Then, the answer hit him:

MEGATRON: "What's the matter, Shockwave?  Trouble managing the chaos of the rank and file?"

If Megatron believed Shockwave capable of emotion, he could swear that the scientist was growing annoyed.

SHOCKWAVE: "Your survival was.....logical."

Megatron grinned in satisfaction.

MEGATRON: "And you, dear Airachnid?  What has brought you back into the fold?"

Airachnid sighed and gazed out of a nearby window at the desolate planet of CHAAR, where the fallen Decepticons had made their home.

AIRACHNID: " I heard Chaar was so pleasant this time of year!"

Megatron noted the sarcasm in his former lieutennant's voice.  The independant Airachnid would never return to the Decepticons of her own free will; not without it benefitting her in some fashion.  But before Megatron could inquire further, he too noticed the poor state of his Decepticons stumbling around outside.  They were in a state of disrepair and looking sullen and depressed.  The Decepticon Commander was mortified by what he saw.  He turned to his minions.

MEGATRON: "What has happened to the Decepticons in my absence?  Speak quickly if you value your lives!"

RUMBLE: "Uh, well boss, it's like this--"

FRENZY: "Er, after our last battle with the Autobots--"

The AUTOBOTS.  Megatron seethed with anger at the mere mention of them.  The Autobots, a group of Cybertronians dedicated to defeating Megatron and restoring peace to the galaxy.  In Megatron's eyes, they were simply an offshoot of the corrupt system that led Megatron to form the Decepticons millions of years ago.  Megatron recalled his battle with the Commander of the Autobots, OPTIMUS PRIME, a battle which nearly destroyed both of them, and placed Megatron in stasis lock for years, his body damaged almost beyond repair.  To return, seeing his minions (or the relative few that resided on Chaar anyway) in such a sorry state, caused Megatron to explode with anger.  He slammed Knock Out into a wall.

MEGATRON: "You revived me just so I could see this?!  My army in shambles, beaten and broken?!  Even if we had the means to repair them, we lack an energy supply!"

SLIPSTREAM: "Actually my lord, Shockwave believes he has figured out a way to harness the unique energy from Chaar's lava floes and convert it into Energon."

ENERGON was the fuel of all Cybertronian beings.  Without this power source, the Decepticons would not be able to function.

KNOCK OUT: "And as for resources--well, Laserbeak made a rather interesting discovery during one of his routine patrols of the planet."
Knock Out opened a small compartment within his chest and revealed a small vilal containing a glowing, black crystal.

MEGATRON: "Angolmois.  The blood of Unicron..."

KNOCK OUT: "Also known as Dark Energon."

UNICRON was ancient god.  The Cybertronian equivalent of the Devil in Earthen lore, the enemy of their creator, PRIMUS.  To find ANGOLMOIS, which was legendary for being known as Unicron's lifeblood was extremely rare.  The blood of Unicron was legendary for being used to form weapons and even bodyframes of unimaginable power.

RUMBLE: "And that ain't all boss!  Look in here!"

Rumble opened a nearby door.  The Decepticons entered a room filled from top to bottom with DARK ENERGON.  To find so much of this powerful material on Chaar was surely a sign, Megatron was sure of it.  The DECEPTICON EMPIRE would rise again.

FRENZY: "Turns out there was a whole cave of the stuff in cave, just sittin on this planet the whole time."

SHOCKWAVE: "I have surmised that when Unicron was destroyed, his life force was scattered across the galaxy and a noticeable amount crashed on this world, which explains why the planet is in such a primordial state."

Megatron's smile had returned.  A plan was forming in his head, as he gazed upon the room filled with Angolmois.  With such power, the Empire could easily reclaim their lost territory and reconquer their homeworld of CYBERTRON itself.

MEGATRON: "Soundwave, get our communications online so that we may contact our comrades.  Shockwave, Knock Out, get our troops here repaired, use the Dark Energon if you must, just get it done!  Slipstream, Airachnid, Lugnut, with me."

The three Decepticons followed their commander outside to where many of the troops had been gathering.  Airachnid was the first to speak up.

AIRACHNID: "Where to Meg--ah, I mean Lord Megatron?"

The Decepticon Leader looked to Slipstream and nodded.  The Air Commander tapped a switch on her wrist, and a communicator turned on.

SLIPSTREAM: "Seekers, to me!"

Within seconds, several Decepticon jets flew into view and transformed into robots.  They were the SEEKERS: SKYWARP, SUNSTORM, ACID STORM, THRUST, DIRGE and the enormous DREADWING.  Megatron looked to the sky.

MEGATRON: "I have the urge  to test my new wings.  We're off to visit an old friend."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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