Feelings and Secrets

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(The song is by Imagine Dragons titled Believer...if you were wondering...)

Dipper's PoV

I woke up from yet another dreamless slumber and smiled. It's the third day of Weirdmageddon. Wonder what'll happen today? I thought, as I reached for my bathroom door, yawning.

After a pleasant bath...

I wore my black undershirt, blue vest, black jeans and blue shoes, before deciding to just expose my Big Dipper constalation birthmark to everyone. I sighed softly before walking out, greeting 8-ball and Teeth along the way. "Hi, Master Dipper." They said, before running off somewhere, maybe partying again. I smiled at the thought, before accidentally bumping into Rev. Dipper. "Ow. Oh, hey Dipper​." He said, rubbing his forehead.

"Hey, Ty. Sorry for that." I said, rubbing my own head. He looked at my clothes before tutting. "Dippy, did you steal my fashion? Because that's how I wear my normal clothings." He said, pointing at my clothes. "Huh. Didn't know that. Well, technically, I just chose to wear this, but I guess I can change." I said, before turning it into a black suit. (Basically Bipper's clothes...) "Aw! You look cute in black! Black fits you perfectly!" He said, smiling. "Thank you, senior. Anyways, where's Will?" I asked, seeing as the little blue triangle follows him everywhere. "He can't walk since we-" I cut him of. "Woah, stop! Please, for Bill's sake, please." I said, tomato red.

"Okay, innocent Dipper. Let's go to breakfast. Both Mabel might get mad." Ty said, getting up. He helped me up, and we continued chatting while walking off to the dining room.

At the Dining Room...

As soon as we walked in, bother Mabel tackled us, Rev. Mabel on me while Mabel on Ty. "Where have you two been?!" Mabel asked, helping us up. "Well, Dipper here bumped into me and we chatted of a while. Didn't know 'A while' took an hour." Ty said, his amulet shining. "Alright then, dear brother. Anyways, Mabel here made Mabel Juice! It is divine!" Rev. Mabel said, sipping a cup of the yellowish juice.

"The ingredients?" I asked Mabel, knowing Ty's curious face. "Pineapple and Apple Juice with toy dinos. And edible glitter." She said, smiling. I sighed softly. What am I without my Mabel? I thought, before pouring myself a cup of the yellowish juice. A red Dino fell into my cup, but it's a bit bigger than my mouth, so I can't swallow it accidentally. I drank it a little hesitantly and my Bill, it tastes pretty good. Who thought Apple and Pineapple would be amazing? We all chatted while we each have a serving of  Chicken Sausages, Scrambled Eggs and a pair of French Toast.

After the meal...

The others and I wanted to visit The Pines. So we did, and let's just say it took a while since Mabel and Rev. Mabel wanted some more Mabel Juice. So, we kept it in a container. And now, we're besides the cell, snickering. "Hey, Dip, how are your feelings for Bill?" Ty suddenly whispered in my ear, making me stop. "What do you mean?" I asked in a hushed whisper. "Well, I got this information from Will. He said that every version of Bill Cipher and yourself is destined to be together, for some odd reason. And yes, there other dimensions." Ty said, smiling at my red face.

I was about to respond, but Fez cut me off. "YOU ARE MONSTERS! GIVE ME BACK MY LOVING NIECE AND MY MYSTERIOUS NEPHEW! Just give them back..." Fez said, before sitting at the back of the cell, soft sobs were heard. I sighed heavily, before making a few plates of Pancakes and Pitt Cola appear, as a quick breakfast. "Since we need you alive, eat this. And Fez, please. We're not your niece and nephew. We're your enemy." I said, as the others dug in slowly. Fez nodded, sighing heavily.

I look at Ty and gave him a 'Can I talk to you privately please?' face. He nodded, as Mabel and Rev. Mabel went to bedazzle something. We teleported to my room, and I locked the door. "So you said I will have feelings for Bill Cipher. Since every Dipper in the Multiverse is linked to Bill Cipher, I have to pair up with my father?!" I asked, worry flooding my face. "Well, yes. I mean, this one is not that bad. There's a universe where we Dippers are centaurs and Bills were hunters! They're​ literally having a relationship with a centaur! There's even weirder!" Ty said, shuddering.

I thought about it for a while. "That is weirder... Fine. I actually have feelings for Bill. Before I knew he was my father, that is. Now, I'm not so sure..." I said, before placing a spell so no one can read my thoughts. I still do... I sighed softly. "Alright, but still. The universe will pair you guys up at some point with some way..." Ty said before leaving. I hope so. I wish he wasn't ​my father, so thing be easier... I thought, before disabling the spell.

"Hey, Pinetree. I heard that." I heard someone behind me. I jumped before turning around. "Wha-? Father! What are you doing here?!" I asked, face flushed red. "I was curious if you and Tyrone were doing something, so I hid in the shadows. And the spell you did only works on weaker demons, so Will and I heard everything." He said, Will appearing behind him. I can't say anything, since my father and uncle heard my thoughts, so I blacked out.

Bill's PoV

"Pinetree!" I said, catching him in my arms. I sighed, before placing him on his bed and looking at Will, who just smiled. "Well, brother. He also has feelings for you. Do you want to tell him soon?" Will asked, the smile still plastered on his face. "Soon. I just hope he takes it well. If not, we're gonna have an awkward father and son relation..." I said, before sitting on Pinetree's bed and brushing his hair.

"The universe is really weird huh, brother? We're demons, in love with 16 year old boys from different dimensions..." I said again, smiling. "Yes, brother. We are. Even if our versions were kids we still love our Pinetrees. Some would say we're even pedophilic..." Will said, laughing at the end, before leaving. "Yes, brother. We technically are." I said, looking at you.


Hello! So, the end is weird because Bill is referring to you, the Readers, because some don't like us Billdip shippers because we're shipping an older than the world Dorito with a child. This is for the haters. Fuck off! We can ship who we want to ship! It's fictional, not real! (Except for Phan, which is 100% real!) Bye doods!

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