Chapter 8

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(Kiyomi's POV)

"Kiyomi!" My mother sings from the living room.

I stop playing with my toys, curious to know what my mother needed. I open my door and see a blonde woman standing next to my mother.

"Yes, mommy?" I ask bashfully.

"I want you to meet a friend of Godfather Jiraya."

I walk slowly, approaching the blonde woman in front of me. She is beautiful and her chakra is warm. She has pretty gold eyes. She crouched down to my height and begins to introduce herself.

"Hi. My name is Lady Tsunade."

She has a warm welcoming smile, yet her eyes held sadness. What does she have to be sad about?

"Hey! I need that towel damn it!"

The patient's tight grip on my wrist startles me, causing me to drop the hot bowl of water I was carrying.


I scream in pain, feeling the hot water splash against my breast. I quickly rip my father's necklace from my neck, scared that the hot water will ruin the crystal my father gifted me.

"You imbecile!" I scream at the patient feeling my body begin to react in anger.

"Hey! calm down, he didn't mean to sp-

I look over to lady Tsunade and notices she's staring at me intensely. I couldn't tell if she was scared or was trying to recognize me. I feel the middle of my forehead begin to burn and realize she's looking at my diamond seal that's beginning to glow. I have to leave before my body reacts.

I dash out of the tent. I decide to walk past the tents and head straight into the forest, not wanting to answer anyone. I can't let my body take control and wreak havoc. I must calm down first. I find a tree and just lay against it.

"When you become enraged or even annoyed, you must count to ten Kiyomi."

"Count to ten? Lady Tsunade, are you telling me counting ten will actually calm me down?"

"Yes, come, let's do it together. First, close your eyes. Now, I'll start. One"

"Two." I breathe inward. 


"Four" I breathe outward.

"Five, you're almost there."


"Seven, this feels stupid."


"Nine, don't stop counting Kiyomi."

"Ten!" "Ten!"

I open my eyes and begin to tear up at the memory of my short childhood. My guard was down, but it quickly rises when I heard leaves shuffling above me.

"What are you doing?" a voice questions.

I look up and see no one. I draw my kunai and try to sense the opponent's chakra only to get the back of my head smacked. I quickly turn around to see Lady Tsunade in front of me

"Didn't I teach you how important it is to begin meditating after countdown!"

"Lady Tsunade?" I whimper as tears begin to race down my face.

I fall to my knees and beg her not to look at me. She towers over me for a second, then crouches down in front of me.

"I leave the village, and you become a traitor to your village Kiyomi?"

"No, no, you don't understand!"

Lady Tsunade places her hand over my mouth and a kunai to my neck. She begins to threaten me and explain what leaf village ninjas did to traitors back in her day. I gulp, feeling paralyzed from the hold she had on me.

"I wish I had the desire to kill you, but I can't lose someone else that I once held dear to my heart. I will tighten your seal and pray when you wake up, you make the right choice. Turn yourself in and leave the shinobi life behind. You don't deserve to call yourself a shinobi to think the little girl I once mentored chose to pay me back by ruining her parent's legacy."


"No! I promised your mother I'd help you get better. Yet, you used your strength for evil. You will never become a powerful kunoichi the moment you use your strength to hurt others. Make the right decision and let go of this foolish dream of great shinobi life."

Lady Tsunade's index finger is placed over my seal causing me to feel a sharp, tight sensation begin to throb inside my forehead. I fall over onto the grass, and the last image I see before blacking out is Lady Tsunade's teary eyes. 

Naruto's long lost sister (under major editing!)Where stories live. Discover now