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Тне faces of the greatest warriors of the past ten centuries stared down at Klag, son of O'phr.
Throughout the Hall of Warriors on Ty'Gokor, a huge, windowless, high-ceilinged room carved out of the very rock of the planet's greatest mountain, statues of the strongest Habnagh rendered some of the finest heroes of the Klingon Empire. They loomed over the warriors assembled for the introduction ceremnies for the Order of the Bat'leth.
Captain Klag stood by a barrel of bloodwine. He found the libation to be barely drinkable, but then Klag had always had a more discrening palate than most when it came to alcohol. In order to accommodate the hundreds of warriors present for the induction ceremony, which will be going on for the whole night.
Still they could at least have provided something less watery, Klag thought as he refilled his mug by scooping it into the barrel.
Next to him, Klag's second officer and doctor did likewise. Lieutendant Toq and Dr. B'Oraq had come down with Klag from the I.K.S. Grokon to partake in the celebration, especially since Klag's oldest child had graduated.
Klag looked up at a statue far across the room from where they stood, to see his youngest kid trying to climb on her brother's shoulders.
Gell followed his gaze. "Is that your kid?"
Grinning softly, Klag answered. "That is my son Dorrek and the one on his shoulders is Me-larr."
"I am sorry if i am disrespectful, but your youngest....is human?"
Sighing in experation and irritation, Klag opened his mouth to answer only for his doctor to beat him to it. "You idiot! What else is she gonna be? Now we all know what question you want to ask."
Klag didn't like the attention being brought to his youngest and decided to just quench his Lieutendant's curiosity. "My mate found Me-larr on Marcan V, she was an infant at the time and hadn't known what had happened."
"Marcan V, Isn't that....?"
"Yep." Klag gulped down some bloodwine. "The lost colony. Captain Ch'gran led the first fleet that attempted to colonize the humans settlement planet using whatever meager resouces the Hur'q had left after pillaging Qo'noS. This led to the bloodshed of both sides and my mate had been one of few to survive along with the baby she had found: Me-larr. After that she became me and my mate's daughter and my son's sister, we treat her no differently and she thinks no diffetently." With that he sighed in relief and got up, walking towards the children.
B'Oraq smiled after his captain as the little girl squealed, leaping into her fathers arms.
"Isn't that everything were against?" Toq exclaimed quietly as he too was looking at the family.
"No, she's Klingon. Just like any of us, grew up the same way, taught the same way, learned the same way, talks the same way. There's nothing you won't find that she doesn't have to represent our Empire." The doctor said.
"Except her appearence."
The Klingon sighed in annoyance at the Lieutendant's naive mind. Youth, he thought. "Look maybe in your city you do things differently, but in my city, Me-larr is Klingon and no one here objects to that. So respect our Induction Ceremony or go celebrate your own cities Induction Ceremony." With that he left the Lieutendant to his thoughts and walked towards the family.
"Doctor B'Oraq! Doctor B'Oraq! My brother is graduating today!!" The little human leaped into his arms as he spun her around.
"I know. And soon enough you'll be leaving just like Dorrek."
The wife, Te-run, shook her head and swooped Me-larr away. "Don't listen to that crazy doctor. He doesn't know what he's saying. You have a very long way to go and won't be leaving your mom anytime soon." She sent a pointed glare the doctor's way making him hold his hands up in surrender.
"But i wanna adventure the galaxy!" The five year old shouted.
"All avaible arms report to their barrack leaders, immediantly." The voice over the comm unit sounded excited, this reflected the attitude of everyone in the Hall of Warriors.
Everyone ran to the closest exit, Dorrek and his friends whopped and made other obnoxious noises.
All the underage people made it to the 'loser corner' as the graduated people called it.
It was now empty of adults.
It was now empty of adults! Everyone was grinning at eachother, they all hated it when the adults left except this time the adults left them with food, deserts, and bloodwine!
Me-larr stood on top of the grand carved table, where her father had previously sat. "FIGHT!!!!"
Klingons whooped and charged at their friends.
Talak followed suite and charged her best friend, Me-larr, who she was hoping to repay the broken arm for.
But the human had leaped into the bloodwine as some of the Klingons rushed towards the barrels with giant cups of their own, scooping up the weak alcohol.
Talak giggled and reached in the tub she saw her friend disapear in, only to feel nothing except the smooth wine.
"Guys lets sneak aboard!" The little children started towards the door in glee, only to be stopped by the older kids, the ones that get the honor of joining the academy next year.
The tallest one started telling the children off about the idea as Talak's eyes found a trail of bloodwine footprints leading towards the starships.
"Uh-oh." She mummbled.

I hope you have noticed I took the privilege of using the begining of the IKS Gorgon. I do not own it and decided to mold the book to my own purpose and timeline. Ok so 956 words.

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