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Ме-lаrr raced on to the nearest ship which read I.K.S. K'mpec.
It was beautiful, she had heard that the humans ship was a giant circle. Stupid, she thought as her gaze lingired on the centeral command area, which was connected to the rest of the ship. All of the Klingon's ships took the appearence of a Bird-of-prey.
Glancing around she scrunched her face together in anger, what her parents called her Klingon face, as a warm hand placed itself on her shoulder.
"My, my, my, what do we have here? If it isn't my little niece Me-larr." A short Klingon with an extra ridge, who's only resemblance to Klag was his upturned eyebrows.
"Uncle Martok, what a lovely surprise. I didn't know the Empire allowed QI'yaH to join."
"And i didn't know they allowed children to join either!"
"Then why are you here? Did you have to get your mok'bara pants specially made to fit your size?" The little kid smirked, but that soon turned into a hard glare as his grip on her shoulder tightened.
"No! I get them made the same like every other bekk! Why does everyone say that!?" Martok hissed in frustration, looking down at his pants that were specially made, but he wasn't going to tell anyone that. It was embarrising enough that his brother adopted a human child.
"Still a bekk, uncle. Tut, tut, my brother just turned into a bekk and after this he'll be a Lieutendant! Unlike you! You'll still be a bekk once i graduate--!" She was cut off as the angry man pulled her into the food area just as the second in command walked by, the Klingon medalion was pinned on her golden sash indicating her rank.
"You can't make me leave! I'm sta--!"
"Shut up! I want you to come along. I won't let anyone know your here. Okay?" The uncle had a hirrible grin, showing his pointed teeth that was common on all Klingons.
"Really?" Me-larr's 'Klingon face' disapeared as she quirked one eyebrow, not buying anything her father's brother said, but she thought, he is my free ride on a bird-of-prey, its not like he would kill me. He's family. Even if we hate eachother i would still help him and i'm sure he would, right?
"Yes really. Now stay in the pod till we lift off and i'll come back for you, okay?" Just to prove her trust she stood inside the pod that was near the hall they had previously been arguing in.
With that, Martok took off to his post with one thought still on his mind, naive little Me-larr, just like her 'father'.
Martok was just as excited to fight especially against such a deadly foe. "Those stupid Breen don't know how to stay on their side!"
Mortok's friend head butted him and replied just the same, his tone no less hard. "I know and just as bad. Heard they were working with the Cardassians."
"Those pathetic aliens are always getting stolen by the Orions!"
"Yeah, but the Cardassians know how to fight, especially the Breen. We've sent troops to their planet only to never be heared from again!" His friend, a tall worrisome Klingon that didn't get any braver in the years.
"Yeah but we'll beat them this time ya big coward!!" Tek-nu screamed as he shoved Kurak, Mortok's friend, in the wall, leading the rest of the bekk to their stations as the Breen were in sight.
"Let's go!"
The K'mpec was getting destroyed as were many of the Birds-of-prey, but they weren't Klingons for nothing and this time the Breen had went to their home.

Ok so 620 words.

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