ch. 2: pool party????

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i see jade walking toward me during dodgeball. she gets a ball and throws it at me. The games ends and she comes up to me and is about to say something. Then her boyfriend goes over to her, i think his name is back or  something, and says "heyyyyyy gurl what's the halos with you my lady frand?!?!?!" he then pulls a soft pretzel out of his pocket. jade takes it in anger and scoffs at him. She asks him why he's acting so weird and he says, " that's just how i roll cutiebooty". i speak up and ask them if they want to come to my pool party later.
the party started at 6:30 but it's 6:29 and no one is here except jade and beck   Beck come up to me and introduces himself but then jade gets mad at him so she pushes beck into the pool and breaks his head open. Becks tells jade in his final words of pain from this cruel world "sorry homeslice i ain't gonna date no homie gerl. I mean that has almost the same letters as gertle. you're such a pecan?!?!?!" THEN HE DIES

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