Reincarnated Demon

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It all began one day in a simple grade nine math class. The students were peacefully working (or as peacefully as you can during a math class) when one student sat down next to the window and discovered that a pigeon had taken refuge between the glass and an air vent. From then on, that class was not the same. For this was no ordinary pigeon, but a a possessed one. Stories of angels being reincarnated were common, but there are others that no one knows about. Stories of reincarnated demons.

This pigeon, unbeknownst to the students and teachers in the classes held in that room, was the reincarnated spirit of a soul that had been dammed to hell long ago. All the students were oblivious to this fact, except for the four that often sat closest to the window where this pigeon stayed. These four students were Kristen, Hunter, Mackenzie and myself.

We knew the truth about the bird that sat outside the classroom. We knew because of the way its beady orange eyes stared at us as we worked. We knew in the way it never left. The way it would close one eye and then open it suddenly as if it were winking at us. We could just tell. Being the geeks of the class, we were all familiar with elements of the paranormal.

It wasn't exactly a danger to us. We were luckily separated from it by the window (which Hunter wanted to open). But we knew it was there and that alone was enough to make us paranoid that it was in fact plotting our deaths. We would always say this, tell the other kids what our theories of this strange bird were, but no one believed us. They thought we were joking, saying things for our own entertainment, but our lives are not things that are used for sources of laughter. After the first week of it being present in a new nest, we had given it a name. The blurg.

It took us a few weeks to get any closer to an explanation as to why the bird was there and why it wouldn't stop staring at us. We realized that it hadn't just built a nest there, but laid eggs there as well. The thought of this disgusting pigeons offspring was enough to keep you from working, but it was not nearly as bad as the real thing. Coming back from the May 24 long weekend, we were met with the night of ugly, new born, featherless baby pigeons. Or as we liked to look at them, the descendants of the evil demon blurg.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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