Monday Morning

73 11 4

Kayla's P.O.V.

"Beep! Beep! Beeeeeeep!" the alarm sounded waking me up. I groaned and looked over at my alarm clock which was slightly dented from all of the times I had slammed my hand down on it to stop its treacherous beeping. I sighed in relief once I finally found the button to discontinue my alarm's sound.

I slowly slid out of bed and stumbled to my bathroom. After relieving myself, I washed my hands and looked at my face in the mirror. I was met with a view of my messy brown curly hair and a very tired looking face. My rather pale skin looked dull and there were visible bags underneath my eyes. Cursing myself for staying up till 3 am, I proceeded to walk back into my room to pick out my clothing for the first day of school.

Gosh, I hate school. In Golden Gate High School, I have to pretend to be viewed as a nerd. Yes, I get straight A's but that isn't because I like school. It is because I care about my future and I have already learned this year due to homeschool(explained later in the chapter). Only my best friend knows that I'm not a nerd, I'm actually the opposite, but we'll get into that later...

Strolling into my walk-in closet, I walked to the right side which contained my nerd section of clothing that I wear for school. Basically, my closet is split in half. On the right is all of the nerdy clothing and to the left is the "bad ass" clothing. I finally came out of the closet with a bulky sweatshirt that completely hid my upper body and a pair of sweatpants with sneakers.

You are probably wondering by now why I pretend to be a nerd and dress with no taste at school... well let me tell you why. I am the queen of all werewolves. *Audience gasps in shock*. To those of you who don't know what that means, let me inform you.

Basically, there are werewolves all around the world. They live in packs unless they are rogues, which is a term for a werewolf without a pack. Rogues are hated on by everyone because they are almost always dangerous and violent. Rogues are the worst of werewolves. Next up are omegas, which are the weakest of every pack.
Then there are just the normal pack members. Above them are gammas, or third in command. Then betas(second in command), and lastly the alpha and luna of the pack. The alpha is the leader of the pack while the luna is his mate.

I am the were-queen of all the werewolves. I became queen when my mother, the former queen, was killed by rogues. My father, the were-king, had died too on that horrible day. Just before he stopped breathing my dad told me to run far away and start a new life with a new identity. I promised him I would. I shifted to my wolf form and let her take over. Before I knew it I was on the other side of America. I had went from California to Florida and started out my new life as Emma, a shy 17 year old nerd.

I walked downstairs to my kitchen when Kim, my chef, handed me a steaming plate of sunny side up eggs. Delicious! I thanked Kim and sat down on a kitchen chair.
"Mmmmm." I moaned as I shoveled forkful after forkful of eggs into my mouth.
"Glad you like it Kayla!" Kim chuckled as she watched me eat with amusement.

Kim is more than just a chef to me. She was the first werewolf that I met when I moved to Florida. She had just finished up college and was looking for a place to be a chef at. I offered her a job at my house because I can't cook a single thing without setting my house on fire. She accepted and became a full time cook at my house. I paid her with the money I got when my parents died. Because they were the were-king and queen, they were rich beyond imagination and left me billions.

My house was a fairly large mansion so I let Kim live here in the house with me. After all, it can get quite lonely here. I have only been here for a year but in that time Kim and I have become best friends. (She is my best friend I was talking about earlier). She is like the sister I've never had and we share everything with each other, so once I knew I could trust her I told her my real name was Kayla Debois not Emma Hart and all about my past.

I arrived at Florida last summer and didn't go to school last year (10th grade) because I was too busy settling down and trying to get over my parent's deaths. Thankfully I had been homeschooled by my father so I already had done 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. But, school is mandatory and I was really lucky I was able to stay under the radar last year when I didn't go to school. Unfortunately, this year and all of the years ahead I would have to go.

I didn't skip any grades in case that that would capture anyone's attention even in the slightest bit. I could never take the risk that someone would be curious and possibly try to find out who I am. So, I'm off to 11th grade this year and I'm sure it will be boring as hell. Yes, I'm such an optimist(note the sarcasm).

I handed Kim my plate and walked into my giant garage to get into my crappy sedan that I bought just so I wouldn't bring any attention to myself. I used the GPS to navigate my way to Golden Gate High School. I parked in the student parking lot and stepped out of my car.
Please let me get through this year, I thought to myself.

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