Am I still Human?

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Mercy P.O.V

"Genji it was the only way." I said with sorrow.

"So who am I now? Am I human or robot." Genji asked clearly with frustration.

"I-I D-Dont know. I believe you're still human." I said with a dim smile.

"T-thanks. But this is still going to take time to getting used to." I said.

I know I'm not supposed to have any feeling for any of my patients but I think that I-I like him. I want to get to know Genji. And those eyes! I see a happy, loving, caring, young man who has suffered a great deal. I guess I was starring at him for awhile because he kept saying my name. I pull back into the real world as fast as I can.

Genji P.O.V

Mercy kept starring at me and it was very clear that she was thinking about  something, but what? Maybe I'll ask her out and I can get to know her more! Yes! That's what I'll do. But how can I take her out to dinner if I can't even walk. Maybe I can ask her when I can walk and after I get the hang of walking I will ask her out. I will talk it slow at first because she might not even have feeling for me but definitely do. I eventually get out of my trance and realize that Mercy in hers so I call her name. "Mercy. Mercy. MERCY!"

"Huh? what?!" She says. 

Have I mentioned that she looks really cute when she is confused? No? Well she does, get over it. 

"You were in a stare." I says, "Everything alright?"

"Y-yeah! Everything fine."

"Well ok then."

"I must be going. You stay here and rest Genji. We will start your therapy tomorrow and help you get back on your feet. For now just stay here and rest up!" Mercy's says with her motherly-like tone again. 

Just like that she's gone poof! I will probably get to see her tomorrow which is really good and bonus! I will be getting my therapy going so I can walk and run again! Although how they're going to train me to walk. I mean, don't they just need to program some kind of computer code into me. Mercy says I'm human but I don't feel like I'm human. Well at least my face is still flesh but who would want to see that excuse for a face. To be honest it looks like a rotten gum that has been chewed for at least a thousand years if not more and spit out and that was was used for my face.  After my little conversation with my self I fall asleep awaiting the new life a head of me. Hopefully I can make a good one. But, its going to be really hard.

Mercy's P.O.V

I walk out of Genji's little room and out of the hospital with my cheeks rosy red the entire time. I get into my car, it isn't always the best car but it drives, I drive home and I get home, well, more like my apartment, but again, it does its job. I am so tired from the past three days of working on Genji's new body. From the pure shock and sadness expressed on his face I can't help think that he is mad at me. I mean I saved his life but I also feel sorry for him. He didn't asked to be saved to the new body. But, if I hadn't done that he wouldn't have the option to be mad. I just don't know how to feel except that I like him. NO! I love HIM! But how would he feel if an alien liked him. She took of her scrubs and it revealed a beautiful pair of whit and golden wings which due to the darkness of her room they gave a magnificent glow. I wonder if I should tell him. Would he freak out or would he report me to the authorities. I really do want to help him but I need to make sure I can trust him. After I pause my thoughts for a minute I decide to ask him out to dinner to "discuss what he is is going to do with his life with his new body!" Ya! That should work. After talking to myself i finally get ready for bed, climb into my queen sized bed and fall asleep peacefully dreaming about my newly found love, Genji Shimada. 

Genji P.O.V

I lay in my hospital bed trying to get comfortable but, unfortunately I am failing miserably! I want my own bed and my own home.  However, I don't think I have a home now. Thanks MOM! But still, after I'm done surviving in this room I will try to find a cheap apartment or something and hope I have money in my account. I grab my phone, I don't even know how they even saved it. Anyways, I log into my Wells Fargo account see I have a whopping ZERO DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS! JUST GREAT! How am I going to pay the bills of everything. This new body is going to cost a fortune. I bet my family has disowned me so I cant look up to them. And then there's the angle of God who saved me. I thought it may have been the medicine they have been giving me but now I know, it's not! I defiantly love Mercy. I have to ask her out sometime. But will she even love a cyborg? Will she even love some one like me. You know, I would have never thought I would ever say "some one like me..." I've always been what you would call a normal kid. I went to school. I grew up, got a decent job untill BAM! No more mom, dad, brother or any other kind of family. Am I even a Shimada? Will I ever be human again?

WOW! I am so triggered right now. I was trying to get to exactly 1000 words in this story and the actual story is 999 words! How bout that?! Oh well, anyways, I hope you guys loved this chapter and make sure to leave a comment about what you guys think about this story. And with that said,

-KingBling OUT!

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