Going to Hell and Back

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{Flash back }

There was an explosion. The flames were 10 feet high. I could still hear her screaming in the back of my head saying, " Jason can you hear me? Stay with me please I love you!". I should have listened to her. She was the last thing I needed to lose. I went down the hall and I could hear the screams of people who had done wrong. Some of them said "Turn back" A women said from A corner weeped " You don't have to do this Jason." Also the elder of the group said to me " Your an idiot for coming here. don't you know where you are son?" Yeah I did know were I am

I'm in hell.

7 years after that.

"JASON wake up you idiot." Yelled my best Friend Duke Fitz. I turned my head toward my alarm clock and I partly mumbled and partly yelled " shit i'm late for a lunch with a fellow agent of mine. DUKE WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME ?!"

Duke replied, " Oh, that's what i was supposed to do ? And if you didn't notice just trying to wake you up gives me a heart attack especially with the knife under your pillow its like walking into a blender."

While I struggled to put on my black suit i said " looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed like always. And that knife is for protection, do you know how much crime happens here. Oh, and did that girl call you back yet ?"

Duke looked down and said in his why-did-you-asked voice" Nope and I was hopping she would"

And I quickly said to let him recover "She is probably scared to make a fool of herself I know Clare was."

Duke said with a smile "thanks bro . Oh, god you need to go now if your ever going to make it."

Then right when I got to the door I said " You DA man. See ya later." I walked down the hall ,down 10 flights of stairs, and out the door with a stumble just to whistle real loud to get the cab that smelled like shit.

The cab driver turned around and said with a huff " Were too pretty boy."

I said as nicely as I could "The name is Jason and Babylon restaurant downtown." Thinking to my self he has got to be drunk.

The cab driver said " OK pretty boy just shut up so I can drive" And this time I knew he was drunk because I saw the eight pack in the front seat.

When we finally pulled up to Babylon restaurant I had to peeled my white knuckle grip off the oh shit handle.

The cab driver said " that will be fifty dollars man."

I responded with a smile " how about I wont sue you if I don't have to pay."

The cab driver gave me a nasty look while saying" Fine asshole be that way ." He gave me the finger and drove away.

Then I turn to walk into the restaurant that looked like a dump. I opened the door for some elders that look ed like the people in my dream. Then I was looking around for my uncle Dill he was an odd man 6 foot tall with a fo-man-cho. some would say he was a funny guy to me he was more like a father to me. He was my bosses best friend and thats not how I got this job at all.

Dill said with a joy in his voice "Over here you poxy brat" that got some complains from the other costomers. I guess he is into british slang again.

I said trying not to laugh " Do you have to call me that every time I'm late for something." Dill rolled his eyes and we sat down at the same time.

Dill said " Well how else are you going to learn?" the waitress came over and took are order then left in a hurry.

Then I said after a long pause " so whats really going on you didn't bring me here for nothing."

Dill said in a serious matter" Yes you would be right , she back she alive Jason."

I said to him with what ought to be a sense of worry in my voice" Who is back?"

Dill said in a flat voice" Ana." I think I passed out after that


When I woke up I was in a hospital with my bed on the left side of the hall and Dill or Duke was not there. "GREAT I'm going to die alone in a hospital that looked worst than the restaurant happy day."I thought just sitting there.

While all these thought were plowing through my head I didn't notice Dill coming around the corner with two coffees in his hand.

He said surprisingly" Oh, good your not dead." He did it with a skip in his step while giving me a coffee.

I said with a sarcastic smile" Its like dieing all over again. Is it true she is alive?" looking stragiht into his eyes I already new it was true.

Dills smile dropped and said" Yes it is true we saw her in Los Vegas, Nevada and these were taken. " While saying this he gave me a folder full of pictures of my Ana with her silk like hair but something was different but I couldn't quite but my finger on it.

I said with some kind of confidence " Dill I have too find her Ineed to know what happened."

Dill put a hand on my shoulder and said " You do what you have to do but talk to your boss and you know who, k ,before you go chasing ghosts."

"Well if shes really alive I'm going to have a talk with you know who." I said walking out the door with a smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 ⏰

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