Chap 1: The Bite

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|3rd pov|

(Y/n) rolled out of his chair hearing the beeping noise. He got up and opened the fudge filled to the brim with different types of meat. He grabbed the biggest slab of meat there was. He set it on the table and opened up the cabinet in front of him and pulled out a bottle of pills.

He put the pills in the meat and carried it to a see-through testing chamber. Inside he saw a grey skinned male with black hair and glowing yellowish eyes, sharp blackish claws. He had on dog tags, a white T-shirt and sweat pants.

(Y/n) opened the door, and closed it behind himself. He put the plate down and slid it to the Hunter. (Y/n) leaned against the steel door and looked as the gray male tore through the slab of meat.

(Y/n) looked to who ever was tapping on the glass. He saw Donte with a smile on his face. (Y/n) just tapped his Bluetooth like communicator "What?" (Y/n) asked. "Hi." Donte said before leaving in a fit of laughter. (Y/n) just rolled his eyes and looked back at the male Hunter.

He saw the Hunter spit something into his hand. The Hunter held his hand out showing the pills. (Y/n) eyes widen but soon went back to normal. This wasn't the first time the hunter had found the pills.

(Y/n) walked over to grab the plate, only to be pounced on by the hunter. The hunter purred and nuzzled (Y/n). (Y/n) pushed the hunter off and grabbed the plate, and a rubber chew toy. "Hey want the ball?" (Y/n) asked treating the hunter like it was a dog. "You want the ball? Yes." (Y/n) said "Then go get it." (Y/n) said throwing it across the room.

As the Hunter chased the ball, (Y/n) got up and left the cell.

(Y/n) put the plate in the sink, and jumped in his roll chair, to his desk. He pulled up the file on the Hunter on his computer.

Given Type/Name: Hunter

Previous Name (Human Name): Blake

Speed: Unidentified

Strength: Unidentified

Description: This thing, can jump at short lengths. Can injure human at a quick rate.

(Y/n) rubbed the bridge of his nose, at how little information he has on the Hunter. He looked to his left to see Donte sitting on his desk eating a pretzel. "How the research, on the Hunter going?" Donte asked. "I don't know, what do you think scar face." (Y/n) said pointing out the huge scar on Donte's face, that the Hunter gave him.

"Hey shut up! Your the only working the Hunter project, because that thing doesn't hurt you!" Donte yelled.

"Yeah, and I can't get a single piece of info on him because, he won't attack or use his speed. So if you guys expect me to have me shove you or one of you guys in the cell to get info. You. Will. Shut. Up." (Y/n) said making Donte put his hands up in defense and back away.

(Y/n) just groaned and slammed his head against his desk. "How am I going to find info on him?" (Y/n) asked himself, not feeling the two yellow glowing orbs above him in the roof vent.

|Next Day|

(Y/n) put on his lab coat, and put on his tie. Ready for another information less day. Held the mug of coffee in his right hand and looked at his clipboard.

He entered his huge office. He sat down at his desk, and turned on his computer. He looked to his side and saw his boss coming twarda him.

"Hey (Y/n)." He said and (Y/n) just sighed. "Are you here to fire me?" (Y/n) asked in a bored tone. His bosses eyes widen "Oh, no, no, no, we can't get rid of you. I'm just saying that, I think I feel how hard it is for you to get your info off the Hunter." His boss said and sat on his desk. "It took me ages to find out things. But. There is a bright side. I'll say this, I'll let you continue your research on the Hunter, if we let you on a little secret."

(Y/n) just nodded not really caring. His boss whispered in his ear "You know how we work for the all government agencies. Well they gave us all the murder victims body's, and some normal people. We give you those people and you get your info."

That peeked (Y/n)''s intrest. "Alright." (Y/n) said. This was normal for (Y/n), if it involved his quest for knowledge, he'll do it no matter the cost of anyone's life.

|Mini Time Skip|

(Y/n) had the guards shove three teenagers in the cell with the Hunter. Three very muscular teenagers at that. The Hunter looked at them and growled. "What the he'll is this?!" The brunette teen asked as the Hunter crawled up the wall. (Y/n) tapped the loud speaker and spoked "Oh, this is nothing. Just a simulation to test. You'll get $1000000 once you get through this." (Y/n) said with a dark smirk Adorn on his face.

The Hunter moved very fast and (Y/n) charted it down. The three teens dodge it's attacks barely. The Hunter tore through the blonde, then slashed off the brunettes head. He then pounced on the red-headed male, and started biting the man on his neck.

(Y/n) bit the tip of the pen in his mouth and smiled at the info he had gotten.

"Wlep that was good." (Y/n) said putting down the clipboard and typing the info into the Hunters file. (Y/n) saw something drip onto his white desk. He looked closely at it and saw it was a drop of crimson red. He wiped it up with his figure and sniffed it. It smelt awful and metallic. "Ugh. What is this." He said seeing another drop fall in the same place. He sniffed it once more and then his eyes widne. He jumped out of his chair and looked around.

"Is this blood." He said wiping it up. He did something most people wouldn't do, he liked it. He then spat it out and wiped his mouth. "Yep... Blood." He said and looked up and the vent and swore he saw half of two glowing orange yellow orbs.

He shrugged and left his office. He doesn't actually leave the building, he lives there just like the other scientist. He went up to his floor and used his key card to open his room door.

"Ugh, why do they have these huge vents in our room." He said and stripped down and entered the bathroom.

|Mini Time Skip|

After a nice refreshing shower, (Y/n) flopped down onto his bed.

After awhile (Y/n) started to get drowsy. His vision became blurred a bit but, in his line of vision he saw the vent open and something land in his room without a noise. He sat up and got from off his bed, his toned (S/c) chest shining with in the moon light. He was then on the floor with something nuzzling him. He looked down and saw the Hunter. He pushed the Hunter off him and ran twarda his door.

His arm was grabbed and he was spun around and met with the Hunters icy yet calming gaze. Being this close the scent of the Hunter invaded (Y/n)'s nose. He smelled like rotting flesh but also... chocolate (I only put that vecause I remembered an axe commercial) (Y/n) pushed the Hunter away and reached for his door knob.

He was then on the ground with the hunter on top on of him. The Hunter used his free hand to move (Y/n)'s head to show his bare neck. Right now (Y/n) doesn't know what to do.

He felt the Hunters cool breath on his neck. He was then met with a splitting pain. He felt the pressure get tighter. The Hunter was biting him. (Y/n) screamed in pain and pushed the Hunter off, as he backed up into the blank white wall now getting stained by his blood.

As his vision blurred he saw the guards barge in with their we pons pointed at the Hunter.

|Mini mini Time Skip|

(Y/n) opened his eyes to see he's in the cell with the Hunter. He is met with a splitting headache. The Hunter pounces on his and hugged him. (Y/n) pushed him off and the saw his hand. He hand long black claws. His glowing (E/c) eyes traveled all around his body to see he had grayish (S/c) skin. He was also wearing the same thing as the Hunter. He heard a jingle and looked down to see the same type of dog tags the Hunter had.

He looked to his right to see his former coworkers, standing behind the glass. He saw the hunter next to him.  'What happened to me?' (Y/n) thought.

[Completed] Lovely Little Hunter |Male Reader|Where stories live. Discover now