" Jackets the closest support I got "

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Daryl X female

Warning: cringe


" Hey Y/N, go on out on a run with Daryl. " Rick walked over to your cell and leaned on the wall, you were sharpening your knives focused at the task at hand.

" Sure thing. " You nod your head to Rick, looking up at him for a moment. He tilted his head down and walked out of the room. You sighed and ran your thumb across the cool metal of your knife.

Soon after you stood to your feet and picked up a blue faded and torn back pack and a black machete. You sighed and held it over your shoulder meeting Daryl by the prison gates.

He didn't say anything as you walked up he looked at you with his...how would you put it? His charming blue eyes, the ones that made you melt every time he looked at you.

You quickly looked away from him blinking your own eyes. You rubbed your hands on the wash bord jeans you had found a week ago, acting as if there was a reason you should. But, really just trying to keep you from feeling the awkwardness.

" You comin' or not? " His voice broke through your awkward silence as he moved to the gate. You nod your head and blush walking to the gate. The others made a ruckus at the other end of the court yard, attracting all of the walkers their way.

The both of you quickly slipped through the gate jogging quietly to his motorcycle. You stopped in your steps with a blush clear on your face. ' oh I'm going to have to wrap my arms around him...' your thoughts made you melt on the spot and your heart skipped a beat and sped up when it decided to function.

He sighed, " Come on! We ain't got time ta sit here all damn day! " His voice was harsh, like usual.

You quickly snap out of it and get on the loud piece of machinery, which reminds you
, why does he have this in the first place? You shook your head and just got on the back of the bike, hesitant to put your arms around him. You weren't sure it that's just what couples did or what...

" Ya might wanna hold on. " He started the engine and you decided to put your hands on his shoulders, putting the machete in your bag. You could have sworn you saw a little smirk before he grabbed your hands and put them on his waist. " Ever been on a bike sunshine? " His voice questioning but a little playful.

" No..." You responded, your voice some what chattery and shy. You heard a chuckle behind the engine as he took off and your arms immediately hold on to his middle for dear life. You layed your head on his back, your eyes shut as closed as you could get them to be.

Finnaly the god awful thing stopped, slowing down and the engine finnaly subsided. You shook your head and got off the bike " That thing could kill me! " You scowled at him playfully feeling more confident now that you were alone and didn't feel like you were going to die any second. Well, that's not true...

You shook your head at his little smirk that was tugging at the side of his lips. You tried your best to not let it effect you, but oh boy did it! The little smirk effected your whole body, but one part in particular.

You mentally groan and turn around pulling you machete out of the faded blue bag and hold it at the ready, you looked behind you and saw Daryl with his cross bow up and ready to fire making steady moves to the door as there was no sign of walkers outside.

You nod your head back and turn to the main entrance the glass doors didn't reveal anything to you, so far anyway. At that point you knocked on the door three times, when nothing came you knocked again a little louder.

This time three walkers had turned the corner reaching out for you. Out of reflex you swing your machete down as hard as you could on the closest one. You broke it's skull straight down the middle and it fell to the floor. Bringing the machete with it. Your eyes widen as you try to get the stupid machete out looking right into the rotten eyes of a old man walker. Half of it's face was gone and the white whisps of hair on its head had peices of flesh peeling off.

You whimpered and your machete finally got free but came back with some recall if the force you used smashing right through the jaw of the old man walker and going through his skull cleanly. Well, as clean as a walker dieing could get.

You sighed in relief forgetting about the third one as it walked in front of you, you almost screamed but a arrow went straight through it's temple. From the side? Wait..

You looked at Daryl, he moved..when did he get over there? " Where were you when the other one almost got me? " Your voice reached his ears.

" I had to take care of some on my own. " He replied nonchalantly. You growled inwardly. " Come on now, let's get this shit and get gone. " He cocked his head making you look inside the glass again. You roll your eyes and wiped walker remains on the old man's shirt and grabbed the arrow out if the woman's temple handing it back to Daryl as you walk in.

You look around and pack anything that could be use full seeing that this store was much bigger you decide to go to the clothes section. You had done everyone's laundry before and knew what sizes you had seen just not what size belonged to who.

When you went to the woman's section you spotted some bras and looked down at your chest. You picked out your sizes and threw a couple in the bag leaving one out you take off the jacket you had been wearing.

" Girl, what are you doing? " You hear his voice from around the corner as you try to put it on blushing furiously. It was to late he saw your exposed back.

You looked behind you and tried to play it off " what? " You asked as he just kinda stared at your back " jackets the closest support I got. " You spoke and finally put the stupid bra on then put your jacket on as well.

" Come on " you said as you tried to walk past him but he stopped you. You turned around and almost said something to him but suddenly you were shut up.

Warm lips crashed down on yours in a rough and heated kiss. His chapped lips felt amazing against your soft sensitive ones. You almost didn't respond untill you figured out what was going on and immediately kissed back throwing your hands around his neck you feel his hands slide down your sides roughly, and settle on the side of your hips. He stuck his thumbs through the bands of your jeans and teased your skin skimming them along to your front. You groan softly and tug on his hair causing him to groan.

Suddenly he was off if you. You pant from the loss of air and he stepped back a few feet. " Come on let's get goin' " his rough voice was laced with desire as the eyes that made you melt before scorched you in the very spot you were standing.

You snap out of it and walk back to his bike not really sure what just happened you get on the bike and put your arms around his waist.

By the time you got back you still didn't comprehend what went down you just walked through the gates and went out your cell pulling out supplies and giving them to Rick absent mindedly.

Soon it was chow time, you went into our common area as you deamed it and then it hit you. Daryl made out with you... Wait you looked up to see him eating standing against the wall like usual. You blinked a few times and then blushed oh dear!

" What's wrong dear? " Carol asked you concerned as she put her hand over yours.

" Oh... nothing. " She was skeptical but let it go. You glanced back to Daryl where he sat with that sexy smirk.

After dinner..let's just say Daryl got some dessert.

A:N Hello! I'm assuming you all know how to make a request but if you don't here.
1. Story line.
2. Place.
3. Main events in order.

If I need to know anything else I'll just ask, don't be afraid to message me with your ideas! And I promise this is just a tester with what my own uncreative mind could think of so it's short, please excuse me and give me the creative juices lol.


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