Through his brother

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Daryl X female

Warning: Really slow ( will become a separate Daryl x reader fanfic with more details and character development. )


You sat down next to the campfire and started to sharpen your knives, listening for the distinct sound they made when done right. You parted your legs holding the knife and the sharpening tool in-between them, giving you more space to work and less risk of cutting yourself. It was pretty dark with the sun setting but you knew exactly what you were doing, hell you'd done this in much worse conditions.

Lori spotted you next to the fire and walked over to your comfortable spot on the small log. " Hey (Y/N).." You didn't say anything just lookin' down at the task at hand, you hadn't spoken for a while, you were still processing...

It hadn't even been that long since you found out. Two months ago you came back from being deported in the military. You thought you should say hello to your brother and his family, and meet Carl again after three years.

~Flashback your pov~

I smiled quickly walking up the walkway, admiring the lush green lawn. I wore my uniform dusting the shoulders off quickly. I wanted to look semi presentable even though I came straight here. I bit my lip and knocked on the door. I was so excited, I couldn't wait to see Rick, oh my brother I've missed him so much.

The door cracked open slightly. " Hello? " Lori's voice seemed different, more cold and...and distant then I remember. Nonetheless, I smiled again and returned to biting my lip.

" Hey Lori. " I spoke her eyes widened she opened the door a little wider and blinked in shock a few times wrapping her thin arms around my neck looking under the bill of my hat, seeing my face.

" Oh my god, (Y/N)...." She spoke as if she couldn't believe it was me. Her voice was soft and filled with something I was fimiliar with, fear and guilt.

I chuckled a bit trying to act as naturally as I could. I was used to that tone of voice. " Who else would show up on your door step with this get up? " a eyebrow raised, I smiled as I gestured to my uniform and hat.

She smiled a fake smile and stepped back into her house " Well, come on in. Make yourself at home...I have something to tell you. " I nod my head my brows furrowed as I stepped inside and looked around I smiled at the first picture I saw, it was of me when I was leaving with Lori, Carl, and Rick. How cute...

" So, what do you need to tell me? " I smiled turning around to face her. She looked me directly in the eyes and twiddled her fingers. Little did I know that the day that was supposed to be my happiest in my life, would be the worst.

" Rick's dead. "

~Hella long flashback end~

You noticed that when you didn't answer she looked up, wiping her palms on her skinny jeans. Her eyes searched the air, most likely looking for Shane. You internally rolled your eyes but on the outside all you did was raise the knife in your hand inspectin it.

" Look, I know he was your brother. I know you miss him and I'm sorry. But you have got to stop! " Her voice was firm and hushed as she attempted to scold you. But, at this point you didn't care. The one person you thought of every day, every single day to keep you alive and fighting. That one person. Was dead. " You have got to stop blaming Shane, you have got to stop ignoring me, ignoring Carl! All he wants is to talk to his auntie. " She stared at you expectantly. You didn't break, all you did was set that knife down and move on to the next.

Daryl Dixon x Reader Where stories live. Discover now