Jason The Toymaker

917 18 5

What you need
Any kind of doll
Your room
5 candles of any color

Be sure to be the only person at the house, at midnight grab any doll of your choice and go to your room. Be sure that the room is completely dark and put the 5 candles in a circle around you. Light up the candles
with the matches/lighter, use
the pin/knife to make yourself bleed just to get a few drops of blood.
Put 3 drops of blood on the doll, put one at the mouth and both of the eyes. Then chant 3 times:

"Jason The Toy Maker, Appear before me. Put me in the image you want me to be."
Then you will hear a insane laughter and it will say:
"You called?"
After that each of the candles will go out one by one, which is counting down the last seconds of your life.

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