Chapter nineteen

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Me: eh...yes...but not quite...
Natsu: was I close!?
Me: yes
Natsu: YAS!
Mira: incase you've forgotten-
Everyone: Nalu: Alone But Not Forgotten!
Me: let's start!


Natsu p.o.v

E.N.D smirked. I am going to punch that face in. Both of my hands are now aflame and I charge at him. I swing my fist at him but he dodges. I swing again. He dodges. He then swings and hits my jaw. I fall back. He moves forward and punches me again. He then kicks me in the...well...the place that shouldn't be kicked.
"PATHETIC!" He yells. He kicks me again, but in the shin. I slowly get up.
"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!" I yell and flames burst from my mouth and directly hitting him. He's thrown backwards but is completely unharmed.

"If this is your best then this is getting boring." E.N.D says. He waves his hand and Luce appears. She looks angry. "Let's have some fun, shall we?" Luce runs forward and hits me. Again. And again.
"HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME!?" She screams. "I TRUSTED YOU!" I try to fend her off.
"Luce....I didn't leave you!" I exclaim. She doesn't listen.

She continues to hit me. Claw at me. Kick me. I can't use magic on her because I don't want to hurt her. That's when I notice it. I grab her by the neck and throw her back.
"You're not my Luce." I say angrily. For starters, Luce's hair had turned black, this girls was blond. And Luce had brown eyes, this girl had black eyes. The girl smirks evilly before vanishing.

Where did E.N.D go? A blow hits me in the back of the head and I fall to the floor.
"You thought it'd be that easy?" His voice says above me. "When I'm done with you, I'm going to fully take over your body. And then I'm going to pay a visit to your Lucy."
"You wouldn't dare..." I say while growling. Anger boils within me.
"She really is a special one isn't she..." he says. I roar as loud as my voice lets me, quickly stand up and punch him. I feel a pain in my back as a wing sprouts from my back. My vision goes slightly red and a horn shoots from my head. The left side of my body turns to scales and my hand/foot turn into dragon claws.
"You'll not hurt Lucy." I growl.

E.N.D steps back a bit before launching himself at me. I raise my clawed hand and bury them in his chest. I then throw him to the ground. He tries to use his arms to get free, but with flexibility I never knew I had, claw them off with my feet. E.N.D screams in pain. I take my claw out of his chest, set my right hand aflame again and place it to his face.
"FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!" I yell. I punch his face. It's now scorched and half of the scales in his face have fallen off. I punch again. Then claw at him. Punch. Claw. Punch. Claw. Then I stop. He's now lying half dead.
"Finish it!" He says as loudly as he can. I walk away from him. "FINISH IT!"
"No..." I simply say. "No one deserves to die." I turn to look at him. "But you'd better get out of me. And if I see you again, I will not hesitate to kill you." E.N.D quickly gets up and vanishes, just as the girl did before. A blinding light hits my eyes and I fall back.

Lucy p.o.v

I had to get Melody and Kate out of his control. But without my keys I'm defenceless. And I haven't learnt how to properly control the golden light yet. Zayn shoots out a black beam, I dodge but it hits Natsu, sending him flying. However he doesn't respond. A black smoke has started moving its way up his body. He shoots again, I dodge again, only it hits Melody this time, sending her flying. The next one hits Kate. Neither of them move. Now I'm angry.

The golden light takes over my body instinctively and I transform into the angel once again.
"You're gonna pay for that!" I half yell. I raise both my hands and focus. I picture my hands having a light shine from them. A large circle appears just in front of my hands. Zayn raises one arm and a black circle appears. We both fire at the same time and the lights collide. His light pushes towards me first and is getting closer. Focus Lucy!

I think of all Natsu, in his demon form and is somewhat paralysed. Melody on the ground, motionless. Kate, also motionless. I remember all the pain that Zayn has caused me and everyone else. How Melody risked herself and her friends to get me out. How Kate risked her life to help Melody. How Tsuki helped me reunite with my friends. How Shōwakusei helped me unlock my powers. How Amber helped us get out of the realm of no realms. How Jason had carried me to Polyuscia. Zayn was planning on hurting them all.

The golden light moves towards Zayn at a quickening pace.
"You'll not hurt them!" I scream. The golden light extinguished the black flame and knocks Zayn backwards. He's slammed into the wall. He gets up, catching his breathe.
"For-" he starts to say. I shoot another golden beam at him.
"Gōrudenkaosu! (Me: Japanese for Golden Chaos)" I yell. Golden light shoots from all directions, gathers behind me, and blasts towards Zayn, destroying the floor it flies over, and pushing the walls out, the ceiling is sent flying into the air and doesn't come back down. The now golden ball hits Zayn. He screams in agony and turns to dust.


Natsu: we did it! We did it! We did it!
Lucy: yay!
Nalu: wait what!?
Mira: read the title geniuses.
Me: anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeeee!

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