Chapter 2- The First Sight

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Willow's first sight of Hogwarts was from afar, while the Hogwarts Express was circling the gargantuan castle. It may have been dark and foggy, but the silhouette was enough to send chill down her back. She never knew Hogwarts was that big.

Paul was busy crunching down on a chocolate frog while Liv awkwardly twiddled her thumbs.
"So," Willow said, breaking the silence, "How is America?"
Liv look up and smiled.
"It's pretty cool," she replied, "There is a wizardry school there, but it was actually more expensive to move there then to move here."
Paul tilted his head in question with his mouth still full of chocolate.
"Hmw?" He muffled.
"Well, apartment prices there had such big interest and cost, it was like buying two suburban houses. Apartments just around London are pretty cheap."
Willow nodded in agreement. When her parents moved to England, they had trouble affording the apartment complexes in the city, so they just settled down in a small house near Godric's Hollow.
Paul took a big swallow, "I've lived in only one house my entire life; it's slowly falling apart, though. I plan to repair as much as I can this next summer. I just gotta get the 'safety problems' over my mum's head."
Willow unwrapped the uneaten Pumpkin Pastie she had saved for later. When the food cart came by earlier, she was much too nervous to eat. But something about knowing Paul and Liv as friends she could relax a little. She took a bite of the pastie, which was surprisingly still warm, and went on to immediately shove the whole thing into her mouth.
Paul watched her and started snickering while Liv responded with a You okay? look.
Willow gulped. "Sorry, I'm hungry," she excused.
"Aren't we all?" Liv admitted.
"I'm just excited for sorting," Paul announced, "I have no clue what I'll be in, though."
Both Willow and Liv nodded. Neither of them had much knowledge about Hogwarts. Whatever house they were in was completely up to the sorting.

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