Chapter 1

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I stare out the window, daydreaming of the day I can finally leave this hell they call school. It's the same routine every day, and I hate routines. I glance to the front of my room where, for the hundredth time this year, my teacher takes roll. I sigh, tapping my fingers rhythmically against the desk as I wait for my name to be called.

"Madison Gray?"

"Here," I answer monotonously.

I look out the window again and watch a boy wandering through the halls as if he is lost. I study him, trying to make out his face, but the distance between him and I make it impossible to identify him. I suddenly jolt when I feel someone tapping on my arm.

"Calm down, Maddy!" Izabella laughs. I crack a smile and tear my eyes from the window.

"What are you thinking about?" Iza asks, nonchalantly scooting her chair closer to mine, being careful that Ms. Long won't notice.

I collect my thoughts and don't even think before rambling, "It's junior year, Iza. Shouldn't we be doing something exciting rather than this?" I gesture around the class in frustration. I groan, my explanation only half finished, and slide down in my seat once our instructor tells us to quiet down. I don't really pay attention to a word that's coming out of her mouth. How could I when there's a whole world to explode, a whole life to live? How could I possibly stay awake in an English class when I could be dreaming about something great? How could I even sit aright when there's so much else I could be doing?

But, for some reason, I sit up straight when I see him walking through the door.

My eyes find the window again, and the wandering boy is no longer there. It takes a moment for me to realize that he is now standing in my classroom instead. I gravitate my full attention to him. He's tall, very tall, and slender. His hair is light, but not too light. It's honey brown in color and he's made a quiff sweeping above his forehead. Since I'm near the back of the room, I can't tell his eye color yet, but they seem to be colored.

I tuck a strand of brown hair behind my ears as I lean forward, studying him further. He has on tight black jeans and some random band tee. If I look closely, I can see a ring piercing through his lip. At that moment, chills covered my entire body and I'm not quite sure why.

He whispers something to Ms. Long, and after a moment of silence, she finally says, "Everyone, may I have your attention please? We have a new student to our class! His name is Luke... What'd you say your last name was?"

The boy glances up, shoves his hands in his pockets, and after looking around the room, simply states, "Hemmings."

"Right. Class, this is Luke Hemmings. He is new to the school and I am sure you'll do well to welcome him." Ms. Long pauses before pointing to me, saying, "There's a seat there behind Madison. It's in the back over there. Madison, please raise your hand." I obey.

Luke nods and slowly walks toward me. His face is expressionless and his eyes are focused on the floor as he finds his seat. I force myself not to stare, but I can feel my skin crawling with a certain something I can't place. Sure, he's attractive and more than half the class is drooling over him, but he's also different.

     I like that.

Iza looks over at me, smirking. Of course, like everyone else sitting in this room, she was excited about his presence. But he's just some guy, some passing whim, who everyone will love today but be over with by tomorrow. It's no big deal.

I'm nearly half asleep by the time the bell rings, finally ending first period. I push my bag over my shoulder, grab my binder, and push in my chair as I feel someone tapping my shoulder.

"Yeah, Iza?" I ask, expecting to see my best friend behind me. Instead, it's the new guy. "Oh, sorry," I mumble. I can feel my cheeks heating with embarrassment.

"Your name is Madison, isn't it?" he asks, not even looking at me. I bite my lip, noticing that he has a thick Australian accent. What is he doing in America?

"Yeah, you can call me Maddy," I reply.

Luke nods and watches everybody else file out of the room on their way to the second layer of hell. I watch Iza head to the door, eyeing us on her way out. I swallow as Luke asks, "Can you tell me where my next class is? I don't know where to go." He hands me his schedule and, for a moment, his fingers graze against mine. I suck in air silently, forcing away the butterflies in my stomach. I look at the small print and smile.

"We have the same class next period, actually. I can walk you there, if you'd like."

Finally, he looks up. He nods and takes his lip ring between his teeth. His eyes meet mine and for a second, it's like time has stopped. It's like the entire world has stopped spinning, like the universe has stopped rotating, and I am stuck in this moment.

     Blue. His eyes are blue. And I could find myself lost in them forever.

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