Let's Play

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Please let me know what you think of this story and if it's horrible, don't be afraid to let me know. But please don't just say, "This sucks. Your writing is terrible." Please let me know what it is exactly that I need to improve on or what you think can maybe be done. If you just say that it's terrible, I will probably just delete your comment and think you are some sort of trolling loser who thinks its fun to trash other's work. Comprende?


I sit at the bar with an alcoholic drink in one hand, a ciggarette in the other. The bartender offers me another drink. I ask him what the cost would be. I'm sure I'm gaining a huge amount of dues with all the drinks I buy. Before he can answer, I stare deeply into his eyes. His eyes are locked onto mine, and his body is rendered immobile for those few short moments. He slumps to the side, almost falling. Luckily, the side of the bar gives him enough support so that he doesn't hit the floor. I send a message to him using only my thoughts. He stares blankly as he receives my messages. It seems as if he thought of the ideas all on his own, but in reality, I implanted them into his stupid little head. I release him from my gaze. He staggers to the side, almost falling once again. He grabs onto the bar to steady himself. I look at him, waiting for his answer."On the house" he says with a smile. I love manipulating people this way. Its my favorite of all my supernatural abilities. It comes in handy when I need to feed. I can lure guys into my trap using only my eyes. It's what I do. I gaze into their eyes, fill their tiny little brains with perverse thoughts, seduce them, and feed from them when they are at their most vulnerable. It's as easy as taking candy from a baby. I am sitting here watching, and waiting. Waiting for my next unexpecting victim. And then I see him.

He is scrawny. The way he moved gave the impression that he probably had low self-esteem. He looked down at his feet as he walked. His face was framed by a pair of large-rimmed glasses. He didn't look at anyone, as he walked to the opposite side of the bar. The bartender asked him what he would like. He ordered a shot of tequila. Not what I would have expected out of this man. I assumed he had probably never drank alcohol in his life. My guess is that he just got into a fight or was dumped and chose to try drinking away his problems.

The man drank shot, after shot, after shot. I glanced in his direction every once in a while. I half expected him to fall off his stool at any minute. But no. He just kept drinking. After leaving a big wod of cash out on the bar, he staggered in the direction of the restroom. I got up from my seat quietly, so as to not bring too much attention to myself. But hey, when you are this sexy, people are going to stare no matter what.

I walked in the same direction I had just saw the man go, being careful not to let him see me. He entered the mens restroom. I opened the door and saw that he was turned in such a way that he would not be able to see me walk in beind him. I sneak into the mens restroom and walk over to stand against the wall. I had to be extra careful not to let him hear the clank of my heels as I walked. He did his business and went to go wash his hands. When he was finished, he raised his head to look into the mirror. I am standing right behind him, but he cannot see me. I am a vampire, so I do not have a reflection.

He splashes a little bit of cold water on his face. I reach out my hand to gently rest it on his shoulder. He turns around, starled.

"Jesus Christ!" he yelled.

I shot him a seductive look. "Come on, big boy. Let's play." I said. Just as I had done with the bartender, I sent him thoughts and images. I sent him lewd images and thoughts of myself. I wanted him to visualize my body and how good it would feel for him to use it to his advantage right here, right now. I also sent him quick little images warning him of the danger that lies ahead of him. However, such images were made to move so fast that he barely caught a glimse of them and probably doesn't even realise what he was being shown. Still, it forced a feeling of fear in him. I wanted him to feel lust, as well as fear. This stupid naive man thought that these images and ideas were from his own brain, when really, I am the one in control. He is my little toy. I can manipulate him to do whatever I want. But, what's the fun in that? I love it when they struggle, at least a little bit. It all in the fun of the chase. I want him to resist me, I want him to scream, I want him to fear me. The faster his heart beats, the faster his blood with flow, making the feed so much easier for me, and so much more painful for him.

He turned with his body facing me. I placed both hands on the sides of his face, pulling him closer to me. I kissed his lips forcefully and hungrily. It had been so long since my last feed. I was going to savor this moment. I released him from my control for a moment, allowing him to be somewhat aware of what was happening. He pressed his body against mine and my back hit the bathroom wall, hard. He wanted me. He wanted me now. But, I wasn't going to give him what he wanted was I? I am the hunter, and he is my prey. I could care less if he got the pleasure he wanted. I would do only what is necessary to get what I need, nothing more. If I were really looking for sex, I would have just went to one of those college parties, where they always drink, have sex, and have a good time without thinking about the consequences. I wouldn't even have to use mind contol on them. Those guys would take one look at me, and then fight over who got to sleep with me first.

I lowered myself so that I was standing on my knees. I quickly undid the guy's belt buckle before he could even register in his mind, what was going on. I unbuttoned his pants and pulled his manhood out from his tighty-whiteys. He was pretty large. Too bad he was about to die. I began licking and sucking on it, and hearing the moans I received in response. He put both hands on the back of my head, forcing me to move faster. With every movement of my tongue, he was getting closer and closer to the edge. His moans became louder, his breathing became quicker, his hearbeat became faster, and his manhood became harder. Just as he was on the brink of an orgasm, I sank my razor sharp fangs right into his erection. This causes him to snap out of the trance I had put him in. He let out a shreik of pure pain and horror. Blood trickled down my chin, dripping onto the floor and leaving red splotches. He grabbed my hair and began pulling on it, trying to get me to stop. Of course, this had the opposite effect.

I sank my fangs in him even deeper, causing him to yelp from the pain. He tried to push my face away from his now swollen, bleeding, and throbbing erection. As he pushed, my fangs scraped along the sides of it, causing even more bleeding. His blood was very sweet and was gushing into my mouth in a steady stream. I grabbed his toned buttocks with both hands, digging my nails into them. He yelped and let out a whimper. Tears were streaming down his face. It was almost enough to make me pity him. Almost.

As I drained more and more of his blood, his body slowly became limp. Once his body hit the floor, I moved from his manhood, to his neck. My mouth was now covered in his blood. I knew he was close to death, but not close enough. I had to finish this so that he doesn't tell others about our little "encounter". I didn't even try to be gentle. I bit right into the side of his neck, ripping the muscle and skin out with my teeth. Blood squirted all around the room, covering everything. His heartbeat was slowing, until it was barely even noticable anymore. I listened as his heart pumped for one last time. I checked his pulse to make sure the job was done. I leant over his lifeless body and placed a small kiss on his cold, dead lips.

At that moment, I began to hear voices outside the door to the bathroom. The door handle rattled at they tried getting the door open. The voices got louder and louder as they began yelling. They must have heard my victim's screams as I sucked him dry.

The person on the other end of the door banged on the door loudly. When I didn't open it, they started trying to break it down. Everytime they hit the door, it gave way a little. Right as they were about to break the door off it's hinges, I escaped through a small window on the other side of the bathroom. As I ran, I could hear their screams behind me as they took in the sight of my handywork.

I let out a sinister laugh as I ran into the night, planning out my next victim's death.


Ok, so please let me know what you think. This is my first time writing something quite this....sexual. I might try to write something with more........adult situations...some time in the future. This was really just a practice run to see what I can do, or are willing to do. Also, it was taking an idea I have had in my head for a while and putting it into words. This will be the only part in the story as it is a short story. I might have something....kinda...similar written in another story in the future...but there will be way more....smexiness in it. lol.

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