Bye Bye

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"Twinkle, twinkle little star,
I'm gonna kill you with a bar.
Or I'll throw you off the roof so high,
where you'll break your neck and die. Twinkle, twinkle little star,
I'm gonna kill you with a bar.~"

Her calm yet sanity - deprived  voice rang and echoed along the poorly lit hallways. The sound of metal scraping against the concrete floor signalled to the scientist, who was currently hiding in one of the lockers in the staff room, that 'she' was drawing closer with each passing second. It wasn't long before the the eerie taps of her footsteps were no more than a metre from his hiding place. His heart hurtled into his mouth as the beats became so loud and fast that he thought that 'she' will hear it.

Her footsteps ceased; right outside the door. He didn't dare look out through the gaps which littered the metal pannel, for fear that the girl would be staring right back at him. Before he could process another thought, the locker door swung open, and he was met by a pair of deep maroon eyes.

"I found you~" She giggled. "Now we can play a little game!"

"N-No! S-Stay away!" Pleaded the scientist as he cowered further back into the confined space.

He took in the girl's appearance: dishevelled golden hair that reached her waist, purple-maroon eyes, a white nightdress now stained with the blood of his now-former colleuges, and dozens of cuts and bruises that littered her limbs, neck and face. The thing that stood out to him the most, however, that she was sporting a psychotic grin while tears streaked down her thirteen-year-old face. The teenager stared at him with wide eyes, clearly amused.

"You're no fun." She mused, "But I still wanna play a game with you."

"W-What...kind of game are you talking about?" The man questioned, finding it easier to simply play along until he found a chance to escape.

The young girl pondered for a moment before giving her answer.

"Hide and seek! But," she added, "if I find you within ten minutes, I get to send you off to be with your other buddies!"

There was no point in refusing. He would die either way.

"Alright." He said. "So I'll hide first, and you count to thirty. Remember: No peeking!"

"Okie!" She covered her eyes and began counting.

"One. Two. Three..."

The scientist wasted no time in getting away from her. He sprinted down the hall to his right, and climbed up the first flight of stairs.

'Okay', he thought, 'if I can just get to the store room, I'll be able to lock myself in there. At least until I get something to defend myself with and come up with an escape plan.'

He made a sharp turn to the left and dashed into the store room, locking it behind him. He once again heard the voice of the girl reiterate through the halls.

"Ready or not, here I come!~"

It hadn't been five minutes when something struck the door. He didn't need anyone to tell him what it was, he already knew. It only took a few more strikes to break the door out of its lock. In he doorway stood the young girl, looking as sinister as ever and holding a metal pipe in her hand.

"Found you.~" She whispered.

She dropped the pipe and pulled out a small knife from her pocket. Her steps were slow and menacing as she made her way towards the man. Once she was a foot away from him, she covered his mouth and plunged the knife into his stomach; droplets of crimson blood splattered everywhere and small beads of it danced along the blade. The man screamed against the hand. She slowly removed the knife and dropped it at her side. Still keeping his mouth covered, she moved her free hand towards the wound and forced it in; she pulled out her hand and brought some of the man's intestines out in her grip.

The scientist found no energy left to scream, or make any sound. He just sat there, helpless, as the insane child created a noose with the organs and wrapped it around his neck. Inch by inch, she made it tighter, until she cut off his windpipe. She than stood up - picking the knife up in the process - and left him there to die. The man used the last of his breath to form one word: the name of the girl.


"Bye bye, Daddy. I'll see you in Hell"

And with that, she skipped out of the room and into the hall.

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