A Sweet Messy Morning : Literally

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      When I wake up, everyone is crowded around my bed and my friend's and Zayn's faces like two inches from mine.  I jumped up, startled.  As I jumped up, everyone but Zayn had the insight to jump back.  Which meant Zayn had the misfourtune of being in the way of my face.  My nose slammed into his forehead and i fell back on the bed groaning.

      "We told you pull your head back quick", Adia giggles practically falling over from laughing so hard.

      "I tried", Zayn whined wiping at his forehead.

      I sat up at this, "Hey, you're not the one who gave herself a nosebleed from frigh!!.", I exclaimed clutching my nose.  Seeing the crimson stream running down my face, everyone makes a gap so I can jump up and streak to the bathroom.  Once there I used some toilet paper to stop the blood, then returned to the bedroom to get dressed.

      Once dressed, I followed everyone to the kitchen.  Or I tried to anyway.  I was roughly halfway down the stairs when someone grabbed my waist.  I struggled until I looked behind me and saw Zayn.  He held up a blinfold smirking.  I shook my head ruefully and let him tie it around my head.

      Then I was led down the stairs and into the kitchen or at least I guess it was the kitchen.  It smelled heavenly.

      "What is that smell?", I asked as Zayn untied the blindfold.

      Zayn chuckles, "A Belgian Waffle bar of course", he replys.

      I run over to the counter where there is all manner of toppings.  Everything from stawberries to chocolate sauce.  There was also at least 6 HUGE cans of whipped cream.  I giggled like a mischevious elf.  Yeah baby I'm an elf and I'm about to go haywire, I thought chuckling to myself.  Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy.

     I looked around, "What?!?", I asked shrugging.  "Sugar is like crack to me", I explained as I piled a waffle with strawberries, chocolate sauce, and a whipped cream pile that should be called Whipped Everest.  I watched everyone as they all got their waffles.  As we ate breakfast, everybody in the group was making fun of Zayn and my morning collision.

     Suddenly, Miranda yelled, "FOOD FIGHT!!!!", and chucked a handful of chocolate chips at Louis.  This caused utter chaos among all 8 of us, being in our sugar-crazed states.  I jumped up, grabbed a can of whipped cream, ran over to Zayn, and sprayed a mountain of whipped cream into his perfectly styled hair.

     He jumped up, a look of surprised indignance on his face.  He grabbed a fistful of strawberries and started chasing me around the room.  As I was scrambling away, I noticed that the only person not joining in on the insanity was Liam.

     Oh Liam, I thought, you just became the best scapegoat ever.  I quickly ran over behind him and stuck my face right next to his, sticking out my tongue at Zayn.  Then, just as he went to smear the berries all over my face, I ducked behind Liam and shoved his face where mine had been a second earlier.  He responded by smearing chocolate sauce on Zayn's face.

    This madness went on for about half an hour until we ran out of toppings.  Then, I surveyed the damage.  I think Zayn got the worst just because his hair was matted together and sticking out at all sorts of crazy angles.

    I shook my head at my friends, "We're a mess.", I said.  Then, I jumped up with an evil grin, "I call shower first!!!!", I yelled dashing up the stairs laughing like a maniac.  Ah I love sugar, I htought as i rushed to get cleaned up.      

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2012 ⏰

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