They Ask You Out On A Date

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(a/n): this idea was from @xXLillyXx666 thx friend and I love your stories.


your at home sitting in your room reading books because who wouldn't read books but you were bored at the same time, 'im so bored were is Slendy when you need him' you thought then out of no where there he was infront of you, you jumped out of your bed onto the floor stomach first (belly flop lol) "SLENDY! You scared me you butt!!" You yelled at him "I'm sorry (y/n) I didn't mean it" he gigggled at you. You huffed and puffed out your checks looking like a little baby that they didn't get what they want at the store "meanie where were you? I'm bored"you said "I wasn't doing anything actually but I wanted to ask you something" he said "sure what is it Slendy?" You asked curious " do you wanna...go on a date with me?" He asked nervously. *Wait did he just asked me out?* You asked yourself blushing red like crazy putting all the tomatoes in shame "yes I did ask you out so what's your answer (y/n)?" You were shocked wondering why he would ask you but you answered anyways "yes I would love to go on a date with you" smiling he planed for the date to be tomorrow.

Jeff The Killer:

Jeff is in your den sitting on your couch thinking if he should ask you out on a date or just wait "I think I should ask (y/g) out I do like (y/g) they are really pretty/handsome and sweet" he said out loud "what did you say Jeffy?" You asked coming from the kitchen with drinks for you and him "oh um...nothing nothing important just business from Slenderman" he said in a panic "oh okay so what you wanna do I'm bored like crazy" you complained "I don't know you pick you short little mouse" he said laughing. You looked at him big eyed pretending like your going to cry "how could you, you say that to me" you said still fake crying "oh okay I see" he said butt hurt (hehe i like this already :)) "oh you started it meanie so let's find out what we are going to do tonight" you started looking in the movie cabinet "wait I need to ask you something" he said nervous "okay what is it Jeffy?" You asked "doyouwannagoonadatewithme?" He asked really fast "wait what did you say, say that again?" You asked confused, Jeff breathed in and out preparing himself "do you wanna go on a date with me?" He asked looking away scared of your answer, you blushed smiling "yes of course that would be great" you said happily he turned his face around to you and smiled.

Ben Drowned:

Night out and your playing games on your Xbox one you were playing the walking dead your favorite game (if you don't like that game then you can pick another one😊) your on season 2 with clemintine until your tv was glitching out and Ben popped out of the TV "hello (y/n) whats up?"Ben asked "oh nothing but you ruining my game you butt" you told him pouting like a baby "oh sorry I didn't mean to I was bored and wanted to see you" he said "aww cute now get out of my TV now" you demanded "ok ok but I wanna play with you to when your done with this one" he said, he got out of your TV and sat right beside you "ooo the walking dead I see" "yeah I was bored and I love the walking dead so yea" you said (1 hour later) you finished the game and now Ben is playing Mario kart and you are playing with him to "so (y/n) I need to ask you something" he said alittle nervous "yeah what is it?" You asked curious "do you wanna go on a date with me tomorrow?" He asked you blushing like a tomato you paused the game and looked at him shocked "I would gladly go with you Benny bear".

Eyeless Jack:

your in the den waiting for E.J. bored as ever he was out getting himself some kidneys and you on the other hand has one kidney (I wanted to put that in there I have one kidney so yeah :/) you were starting to get sleepy so you fell asleep it was boring so what else could you do spin around and dance like a idiot well you could of done that oh well (2 hours passed by) you were still asleep until a loud bump in your kitchen was heard "hmm probably E.J. in there" you said to yourself and yep it was E.J. He walked out of your kitchen like nothing happened "yo" he said "wassup E.J. Wanna take a set" you offered "sure why not" he said then he sat down "so I need to ask you something" "ok sure" you asked curious like a curious monkey " y-you wanna go on a d-date with me?" He asked you were shocked him out of the whole world ask you on a date you "umm (y/n) you okay?" He asked you "yeah I'm ok but to your answer I will go on a date with you" you said smiling.

Sorry it took long I've been busy with depression and school work and sleep I'm so sorry everybody.

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