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Noah Czerny was a normal boy, once, before he died. He had normal things to do, like homework and study for tests and talk to his friends and listen to music.

He had friends but no enemies, because no one couldn't not like the young blonde boy with his whole life ahead of him.

His family loved him and his friends were loyal to him. The girls thought he was cute and some boys wished they were him.

Noah Czerny was more when he was alive.

And Gabriel Richardson knew that.

He met the blonde all the way back to their first day on Aglionby. Gabriel was extremely nervous and not ready for friends.

His father grabbed his shoulder tightly and whispered, "Go and do your best, son," into his ear and pushed him out of the green Bentley, stumbling onto the steps of the big school.

There were people coming in and out of the huge building and then one of them bumped into Gabriel, making him drop all of his stuff and he was about to cry in frustration.

He could already hear the disappointed sigh of his father in the back of his mind and he crouched down to gather his stuff when his hand met someone else's and their foreheads touched.



Gabriel glanced up awkwardly, feeling extremely embarrassed. A boy his age looked at him with a sympathetic look and helped him retrieve his school books and the like.

The raven haired boy bit on his lower lip and extended his hand for the other boy to shake. "Sorry for that. My name is Gabriel Richardson." He introduced himself.

The other boy looked him over before losing his stoic trance and he smiled at him with his eyes closed. "No problem! I'm Noah Czerny."

Gabriel immediately took a liking to the other boy.

Noah was three months older than him, but certainly not taller and Gabriel found that kind of endearing. "Shall we go inside?" Noah asked, fumbling with his loose Aglionby sleeve.

The younger boy nodded slowly and yelped when the Czerny boy grabbed his sleeve and helped him through the crowd of boys.

Finding out that their lockers weren't so far apart from each other was another miracle, Gabriel thought as Noah helped him with his school books.

"So, which lessons do you take?" Noah asked him politely, not even wincing when he took the heavy books from Gabriel's soft and tired hands.

He gave him his timetable and Noah read through it, still holding the heavy books. "That's amazing. I'm in your first two classes!" He exclaimed.

Gabriel was starting to think that this boy was too enthusiastic about everything.

But nevertheless, he smiled and nodded at him, before taking two books at a time to put in his locker. His Latin book was tucked safely on top of everything with his jacket beside it.

"You listen to Blink-182 as well?" Gabriel asked the boy in their first lesson, as they shared the third line of tables.

Noah nodded proudly and opened his books. "I've even been to two of their concerts."

Gabriel never thought he could be happy for someone else, but perhaps there was a first time for everything. He smiled at the blonde and opened his own books as well as the teacher began their lesson.

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