The Makeover

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The girl with pony tails,braces,pimples,bended knees,saggy clothes,unnecessary shoes and busted eyebrows was in need of a lot of help.
Rebecca ofcourse was all in for the little treat.Getting pampered with was what she always wanted.She hired a professional  beautician to do the job.Rebecca wanted to look like Kylie Jenner beautician  was not about to make Rebecca look like a fake porcelin-with a hint of make up looking kind of girl.She had much bigger plans,lets say maybe when she was finished,Rebecca will not only look beautiful,she will make jaws drop looking like Angelina Jolie and Selena Gomez together.Perfection.

The beauty was not all apart of it.Ofcourse she had to get waxed and go shopping to fill her new wardrobe with more modern day clothes,shoes and accessories.I mean,the girl dressed like she was from the 70's.That's what a stylist is for.She also needed her braces to be removed so that she could have a confident smile showing off he lily-white teeth.

After 9 hour of being pampered with,Rebecca was finally done.The first person to see her as her boyfriend.He fainted literally.It was like she was a totally different person.The way she looked was like if though she came out of a pearl shell with such elegance.

The next day at school,she went wearing a cap and sunglasses just to hide the little change.As she stepped through the front door,she took it off.Everyone began to stare.Walking down the hallway was like dirt,it was like she have done it a million times.Jaws dropped ofcourse,and everyone including the geeks wanted a taste of the rainbow.Seeing that Rebecca can change overnight made them wonder if the can also do the same cause after all everyone deserves their high school experience to be astonishing.

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