Just Getting Started

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Apollo ,God of Truth, Healing, Sun, Light, Music, Poetry ,Archery ,Reason and Prophecy, bastard son of Zeus ,god of Lightning and Justice and blah-blah-blah, and Leto, was BORED. Like, seriously bored with all capital letters and italics ,bold ,and underlined. It was a bit silly actually. Being a God means he can do anything ,but Zeus had banned him to only Olympus for pranking him until his skin was blue ,had cow horns that made him sway because he couldn't balance it ,and his Lightning Bolt was spelled into a baby rattle. He huffs loudly ,before flipping onto his stomach ,groaning again.    
"Still complaining ,Apollo?" Athena asks amused ,Apollo looks at Athena (Zeus having assigned a babysitting schedule to check up on him to make sure he keeps his promise.    
"I'm BORED!" He groans loudly ,before moving back onto his back.     
"Why don't you read those new books the Muses wrote?"    
"Because that's BORING! We already know about Percy's story." Apollo's face was frowning ,he crosses his arms and starts to pout like a toddler. Athena snorts.    
"Whatever. I'm going back to my temple." Apollo tries to not to snort. Athena was going to meet that new genius ,Barlow Quentin...... or something that like. Apollo grumbles under his breath.     
"Stupid books! Stupid Percy! Stupid dad for grounding me!" He ignores the thunder in the background as warning. "FIIIIIIINE!" He groans out loudly. "Why couldn't Percy be a girl! It'd make everything better! I wish-" He stops and his widen ,his face instantly lighting. Despite popular belief, Apollo did have ADHD. As most of Zeus's bastards did. It was why their children usually had it really bad. He flashes out in a golden light a second later.

     A month later, Apollo was laying on his throne. His back slouched against the arm of the seat's chair ,his legs dangling in the air over the throne's arms and laying on Hermes's throne ,whose throne was to the right of Apollo's throne. A book was opened and Apollo didn't seem to be responding to anything. His eyes never moving away from the book's page. He was barely a few pages in and was already hooked ,he just got it and he really didn't wanna put it down yet. It took Hecate ,Athena ,Hermes ,and the Muses and about 2 and a half weeks to make it. And even then, he wasn't able to read it ,because he was ungrounded and had to once again get used to his duties ,Hephaestus having had taken over while he was grounded.     
"-OLLO! APOLLO!"    
"WH-A-A-A-A-A-AT?!" Apollo shouts back ,frustrated at once again being interrupted from his book. Everyone looks visibly startled.    
"What's so interesting that you can't pay attention?" Hera snips back.    
"I'm reading." Apollo says absentmindedly ,before turning back to the book. It's taken from him and Apollo growls.    
"Give it back!"    
"What is this?"    
"It's what would've happened if Percy had been female and the Prophecy was for when a child of the big three hit 18. Now give it back!"    
"Why do you even care?"    
"I was bored." Apollo states ,frowning at Ares who held the book out of his reach. "I was grounded and I had the idea to see if there is a story with Percy as a female. Low and behold there. Now can I have it back?"    
"Really?" Zeus hums ,suddenly interested. "Why don't we all read it?" Apollo gapes at him in shock. As do quite a few other Olympians ,most of which had also looked interested at the prospect.     
"We shouldn't read about Percy's life without permission." Poseidon states ,frowning at everyone.    
"Then, let's bring him here. They along with his friends can read with us." Athena suggests. Poseidon frowns ,but doesn't object anymore.    
"Hermes, go get Perseus and his friends."    
"Yes ,dad." Hermes disappears and its suddenly a waiting game.

Hermes flashes back on Olympus about 20 minutes later, Percy was frowning ,even with his eyes closed you could tell. Annabeth, Percy, Nico, Grover, Thalia, and Chiron.    
"Why is Chiron here?" Zeus frowns at Hermes.    
"He wouldn't let me take his students and he wanted to hear about a female Percy anyway."    
"Why are we reading about a female me ,anyway?" Percy asks ,his tone annoyed and frustrated.    
"Percy!" Percy winces as Annabeth hits the back of his head. The other demigods and Chiron were already having bowed. Percy follow their lead ,grumbling slightly under his breath.    
"Here." Hestia murmurs quietly ,waving her hand. Several comfy chairs appear and the demigods sit.    
"Can you guys shrink or something? I don't know if you know this ,but we're human size. We're also easily stepped on." Percy states blandly. Nico and Thalia snicker and Annabeth and Grover groan and face palm.    
"Yes ,it'll make them more comfortable." Hades agrees ,before shrinking down as well. All the other gods follow his example. Everyone moves closer together in a circle and more chairs appear. They all sit.    
"Did Hermes fill you in what we'll be doing?" Zeus asks ,giving Percy an annoyed glance.     
"Shut up ,Perseus. No one wants to hear your grumblings."    
"Yes ,Lord Zeus." Annabeth says ,kicking Percy's shin ,also giving him a hard glare. "We understand."    
"Good. Apollo, you'll read first." Apollo sighs ,but does take the book and go to the first chapter. He opens his mouth and reads, Perseas, Daughter of Poseidon

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