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I lay awake, staring at the ceiling. Ethan sound asleep next to me. His arm slung loosely around my waist.

I don't even know why Angelina and I don't get along. Truth be told, we used to be best friends. But that all changed when she became famous.

She became a whole different person.

I decided that I was gonna go and get a glass of water. I carefully took Ethan's arm off of my waist and climbed out of bed. Careful not to wake him.

I walked quietly down to the kitchen where Angelina sat alone. Great. She must've came back.

I decided I'd just ignore whatever she needed to say to me and get my glass of water.

"Hey" she said softly causing me to turn my head. "Hi" I said back. After that it was silent for a while, until she spoke up.

"I wanna say I'm sorry for earlier. You were just trying to help me and I was completely out of line" she said. I sipped my water.

"It's okay. I had no right saying anything. It's yours and Gray's business, not mine" I replied.

"But I also wanted to thank you" she said.

"For what?" I asked. "You helped me realize that I may never be able to have this opportunity with him ever again. You helped me come to my senses" she said. "You also helped me realize what I'd lost when I stopped being your friend" she finished. I stayed silent because I didn't know what to say.

"And if you're willing, I really would like to take another go at being friends. I need a friend like you in my life. Especially right now" she pleaded.

"We can be friends. We can't exactly start right back where we were but we can take small steps to get there" I finally spoke.

"Thank you again. I'll never forget the look on Grayson's face when I told him I wanted to keep the baby" she smiled.

"You're welcome. That's what friends are for" I smiled and nudged her shoulder.

"He really loves you" she looked up. "Once again, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that" I finished.


"Where were you?" I mumbled as Farley climbed back into my bed. "I went to get some water" she said.

"You were gone for like an hour" I stated lifting my head. "Angelina and I were talking. We're gonna try to be friends again" she mumbled.

"She came back?" I asked sitting up. "Yeah. She made the right decision too. She's gonna keep the baby" Farley smiled.

"I can't believe Gray is finally having a baby. He's wanted one since we were like 18 and he was playing with our little cousins" I told her.

"What about you?" Farley asked, sitting across from me on the bed. "What about me?" I asked. "Do you want kids?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Not right now at least. I wanna grow up a little bit" I told her. She nodded.

"I want kids but unfortunately, I can't have any" Farley shrugged. "When did you find out you couldn't have kids?" I asked.

"When I was 16" she said. "There's a backstory though" she finished.

"When I was 16, I got pregnant. I was a stupid kid and I knew that I couldn't raise a baby. My career was just at it's peak and I wasn't ready to give up acting to raise a child" she explained. "So you had an abortion?" I asked. She looked down and nodded.

"Worst decision of my life. I felt horrible afterwards. I'd killed an innocent baby" she explained, her voice cracking. "The doctors told me that I may never be able to have children. All because I was being selfish and cruel" she said.

"It's not impossible though. They said you may not be able to have children, not that you couldn't" I reassured her, lifting her head with my finger.

"Yeah, but they also said that if I do get pregnant, the baby wouldn't make it" she said.

"That's why I couldn't stand to hear Angelina say she wanted to get an abortion" she said softly. I nodded.

"Can I ask you something personal?" I asked her. "Go for it" she said.

"Why are you the way that you are? Why do you not want a relationship with me?" I asked her.

"I don't wanna get hurt. When Ryland and I broke up, it crushed me. He was my world and he just left" she said. "I'm not like that. I actually wanna be with you, believe it or not" I said. She looked up at me.

"Ethan, you're my publicist" she said staring into my eyes. "So" I stated. "No one has to know" I finished.

"I don't know" she said looking away.

"How about I give you time to think? I know we agreed no feelings, but I may have broken that agreement"


A/N: what's gonna happen now?

There's probably going to be a time jump in the next chapter because I'm a horrible writer lmao

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