Chapter 2

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Dorm building G seemed to have four floors. The three upper floors contained the dorms. A single glass door lead to the balcony of each floor, where about every foot into the balcony, two violet doors tilted to each other were located. Sitting on each door was a metal plaque with the room number on it.









This is it. I slid the keycard into the black plastic container like box attached to the door underneath the golden doorknob that glinted in the sunlight. Once the miniscule, clear circle on the upper left hand corner of the box blinked green, I turned the doorknob.

The first word that came to mind was – cramped. The so called "dorm" that stood in front of me was practically a mini house. The first thing my eyes clung to was a regular sized TV sitting up on what looked like a glass surface. Not far below the TV was a dresser with papers scattered all over it. Opposite from the TV was a three seat maroon red couch propped up against the white wall. The wall lined up against the couch wall had a three chair sized dinner table. Right above the table were two humongous windows with blinds covering them.

The size of the two windows sent a shudder through me. Anyone could peek their face in, and see what was going on inside the room. At that moment, I knew that as long as I was inside the dorm, I would keep the blind closed.

Connecting from the first room to the bathroom and bedroom was a mini hallway. On the left side was a stove and a sink. On the right side was the door to the bathroom. Straight ahead was the door to the bedroom.

Dreading what I would find in there, my hands slowly pushed open the door. Two beds took up almost the entirety of the room. Each bed was neatly made and lined up against the wall. There was a single, rectangular window located up too high on the wall. Light feebly made it past the window.

I sighed, sitting on the bed on the right side, wishing more than anything to be back home with all of my books being only an inch away from. Mom made me do the most horrid thing on this trip. She made me choose only TEN books to bring with me. Ten is nothing to a bookworm. And that I am.

I curled up on my bed, lost in thought, just like old times, when the door opened, and in came a petite girl with pale skin and chestnut brown straight hair. A phone was pressed to her ear and she talked animatedly into it. In her right hand was the handle to her neon pink suitcase.

"I know, I miss you so much already. Kay. Bye!" her voice came out deep, but it was feminine enough. Hanging up she peered into the bedroom. The brown eyes behind her cute foxy-like glasses twinkled. Her lips peeled back into a grin.

"Hi! I'm Kaylee, your roommate," she chirped.

"I'm Spring," I introduced myself politely. She bobbed her head, and set down her suitcase. I curiously watched her as she took out a pair of clothes out of her suitcase, and walked out of the room.

Shrugging my shoulders, I pulled out a book I hadn't started reading yet out of my suitcase. People ask me all the time, what's so interesting about reading books. People, being my family. To me, when my eyes start to roam across the text, it feels like reality is changing. It feels like I'm in a whole new world. The events happening in the book happen right in front of me. It's like I've got a front row seat. But it's more than that. It reels me in. It makes me feel what the characters are feeling. It makes me wait at the edge of my seat not to see but to feel-


I turned around annoyed to find Kaylee right in front of me.

"What ya reading?" she asked casually. My eyes closed. Deep breath, Spring. Deep breath. She meant no harm. But did she have to poke me?!

"I'm not real good at explaining. You should read the summary," I shrugged trying to end the conversation quickly.

To my utter annoyance, Kaylee grabbed the book from my hands and flipped it shut. She turned it over to eagerly read the summary. A million thoughts ran through my head. She just broke a bunch of rules in the bookworm world. One, never grab a book from the person trying to read it. Two, never shut the book without noting which page they were on. Three, don't take too long reading the summary. Four, don't disturb someone while they are trying to read. Five, don't try to continue the conversation if the person is immersed in the book.

Five minutes later, Kaylee passed the book back to me.

"Mystery, huh? I'm more into romance. I mean, don't you ever want to fall in love?" she asked with a dreamy look on her face. Her words piqued my interest. One thing I hate about reality is love is so rare. No one is willing to believe there is such a thing as love.

"So, you're not one of those people who think love is unreal?" I asked.

"No. Are you?" she shook her head.

"Far from it," I let out a laugh.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" she inquired.

"Nope. That is a myth. How can you fall in love just by looking at someone? That, my dear is called lust. Love is so much more. It doesn't have very much to do with what's on the outside. It's more do with what's on the inside. I believe love is when two souls are connected on a deep personal level," I said, my thoughts drifting towards another place.

"Wow," Kaylee said, impressed by my deepness.

And that was how I made my first friend.

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