Cop Car, Keith Urban

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We drove right past
That no trespassing sign
Lily looked to her left. Trent Malloy sat straight back as stiff as could come. He had one hand lazily on the steering wheel, in his cherry red convertible mustang, at the stop light. A small smile slipped on to his lips as he switched his lazy hand to the left and reached over grabbing Lily's hand.
This was their song.
No it wasn't cheesy and one of those teenage relationships, 'oh my gosh this is like totally our song!'
No it was nothing like that at all.

A few months ago:
Trent was woken up in the middle of his sleep with a phone call that would send him on one of the biggest adventures he had ever been on. He tried to get to the phone as quickly as possible in his hazy wake-me-up-at-this-time-again-and-I-will-murder-you-in-your-sleep phase.
  He heard his sister shuffle and turn a little bit in her sleep two doors down. He was after all in his Mom's home, as to stay close to his family. He waited a moment before answering the home phone.
  "Hello?" A scared voice asked.
"Lily?" Trent replied slightly shaken she had woken him up at this time of night.
"Oh my gosh! Trent, is there any possible way you can come over?"
He looked at the clock.
"Right now?"
She sighed heavily. "Never mind, it's okay. I'll be fine."
"I'll be there in a few."
She sighed happily this time.
"You're the best."
With that she had hung up leaving a confused, tired, and startled Trent. Now for the next problem. How to get out of the house without waking up his family.
  He saw his window was still slightly ajar from earlier. He had been letting air cipher through the house as his Mom almost burned down the kitchen two days ago. The smoke was gone, but the smell lingered.
  Trent slowly moved the covers off of him and he shuttered as the air came in contact with his flannel pants. He saw his jeans laying on the ground and quickly traded them in for his Goofy pants. Luckily, he left his boots right under his bed after coming back from a very hard day at the martial arts studio. He had more white belts than ever and he had to test many red belts and green.
  He stood at the cracked window after finally getting ready to meet his girl. He slipped his finger tip under the window slide and pulled up. He winced at the slight cracking and moving of the chipped paint and rusted panes.
  Just as he had finally pulled it high enough to leave his door opened swiftly with a swoosh. Trent looked like a deer in the headlights when he saw his oldest younger brother come in.
  "What are you doing, Trent?" He asked rubbing sleep out of his eyes.
"What are you doing here, Tommy?"
"I asked first."
Trent sighs. "I gotta go see Lily. Something happened I don't know what."
"But mom won't let you go out this late." Tommy protested.
"I know that's why I'm going through the window. Don't tell and just go to bed
alright? I'll be back in a few hours tops."
Tommy shrugged. "Alright, fine. Just be back soon."
With that Trent was disappearing into the night.
Trent's truck was parked a good half mile away from Walkers house. Did I forget to mention her fathers name is Cordell Walker?
  He saw Lily wrapped in a small blanket walking towards the truck. She went around back and jumped into the passenger seat. You could still see the house in the moonlight. Trent decided to play it safe and put the car into drive. He took it easy on the speed as to not kick up dust and wake Walker up.
  Lily stared blankly in front of her as they went a few more miles away and Trent slowly gained speed. Finally, after twenty minutes of driving, past trespassing signs and down every back road Trent could think of he pulled over next to an airport sign and looked at her. She knew what the unspoken signal meant. She got out and went around the back of the truck at the same time Trent did. He lowered the tailgate and hopped up. They watched as a planes lights flickered on and Lily couldn't help but feel a little bit of the adrenaline that had come every time they saw a plane take off. This was their thing. They told each other everything on the back of a muddy blue pick up truck behind a barb wired fence. It wasn't clean. It wasn't perfect. But it was theirs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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Cop car ( A Trent Malloy Imagine/One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now