Chapter 1 The meeting

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It's heree! I've been working really hard on this so I hope you guys like it! Get Ready for NaLu guys! It's a bit of just an opener but I hope you like it!
Pairings:NaLu, GajEvy, JErza, MirAxus(umm..sort of),RoWen, Gruvia, and more!

"Careful with the corner Gray!" Lucy squeals, quickly grabbing on to the tip of the moon and guiding it though the door after the football player. "Sorry Lucy" he sighed, placing it on the floor of the storage shed. Lucy sighed softly, but smiled at him. "It's okay Gray, just be careful next time. We can't have a starry night without a moon. Well, I suppose we could but..." Lucy laughed, causing her friend Levy to laugh as well. She turned, looking at the little bluenett. "Oh right Levy. Here are your tickets. Oh, and everyone else's too!" Her Prom committee cheered as she passed out the silver slips. "Gray, Juvia right?" She murmured, handing him the tickets. He began spluttering and denying it, but she pushed him along.

"Erza, here you go.." "Levy, you're going with Gajeel right?" The small girl nodded, while Erza sighed. "You two are lucky.. He asked you out in middle school and you're probably going to continue to college together. I wish it worked out that way with me and Jel.. I mean, my crush.."Erza stopped, blushing madly. "Well.." Levy started, looking down at her feet. "Oh, Mira! Here you go!" Lucy called after the white haired girl, cutting Levy off. She turned, her long hair waving around her. "Oh my gosh! Thank you Lucy! I totally forgot!" She laughed, blue eyes sparkling. "Going to see Laxus huh?" Lucy nudged laughingly. Nobody noticed that Mira's eyes hardened just a tad. "Y-eah" she murmured, though she tried to cover up the stumble. Nobody really noticed. "Oh, we don't mean to keep you!" Levy nudged. "Go, go! Go see Laxus! We've got some major entertainment coming, with all the Prom proposals to watch. You should come after though. I know love is your thing, so this'll totally be a blast for you!" Levy cheered, pulling on Lucy's right and Erza's left arm. Mira giggled her agreement, then continue in her way. "Cmon, I don't want to miss Gray's Prom invite for Juvia!" Levy called, dragging a laughing Lucy and a still flustered Erza, over the word "prom" and "invite" (no doubt thinking of her blue 'not my boyfriend')

"Over here Lucy, hurry up!" Levy called, waving frantically at her now-free-and-wandering friend. Last time she'll let her go before she gets to her destination. Lucy rushed to her and Erza, watching as their dark haired football player approached the overly enthusiastic cheerleader. Upon seeing him, the blue haired girl jumped from the group to meet him. "Gray-sama! You came to see Juvia!" She cried, literally. "U-uh. Hey Juvia. Here!" He stammered handing her a box. She opened it curiously and pulled out something. Levy was bouncing, trying to figure out what it was, almost squishing Lucy and Erza in the process. "Cmon, cmon!" She cried, dragging them closer. Lucy repositioned herself so she could see what the girl held. A tiny blue bottle was attached to a delicate silver string, holding a small slip of parchment. Pulling off the small yet beautiful silver cap, she took out the miniature slip and unfolded it. "Prom?" She read out. Juvia looked at Gray astonished before quickly tackling him into a hug. "I'll be wearing blue!" She called out enthusiastically before rushing to her friends. "Oh, I've never been so happy!" She cried, as Erza grasped her hand steely. "We're so happy for you!" She cried stiffly, pulling her into a vice like hug. Levy quickly pulled Lucy, the latter of which almost fell over, and joined (*cough* more lacked tackled and squashed *cough*) the hug.

In the background there was a loud scoff, causing Levy to turn around, knowing who it was. "Gajeel! You better be going to prom!" She cried, jumping at him and clinging to his shoulder, pummeling it gently as if daring him to disagree. Her friends sighed, knowing her all too well. "Of course, Shrimp" he said, before shaking himself free and walking off. Only Gajeel. Lucy sighed inwardly at her friend's boyfriend. Anyone else would never escape without a few Levy sized bruises all over their arms.

Behind them, a pink haired biker growled as their loud outburst of laughter interrupted his nap. He glared as they walked inside, but not before stopping to pick up a stack of *shudder* prom posters. Yuck. "I swear if they so much as touch my locker" he snarled. People around him backed up a couple feet. He checked over his shoulder to make sure his bike was still tucked up behind the dreaded prom shed, before stomping inside. Only to see the blasted girl team sticking the posters onto everything. He stormed to his locker just as a blonde girl posted a darn sparkly poster directly onto his locker door. She turned and slammed into his arm. He glared down at her, and people shuffled as far away from him as they could. Levy grabbed the blonde's arm carefully, pulling her back. His lip raised into its natural snarl and he ripped the paper from his locker, and dropped it onto the floor, before walking away.

Lucy picked up the paper, rather upset. "I worked for hours on these" she pouted, glaring at his retreating back. "And his stupid leather jacket is horrible" Lucy sniffed, causing Levy to laugh at her friend's predictable behavior. "I really don't like him" Lucy whined as her blue haired friend patted her shoulder comfortingly. "It's okay, Juvia promises. They look lovely" Juvia comforted. Erza came up behind her quietly, spitting his name out under her breath "Natsu.."
Done! Thats the first chapter! I hope you guys like it! As always, comment, favourite, and watch for instant updates, comments are fuel for new chapters! Please let me know if you like it!

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