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Essentially I accidentally made a new Undertale fandom which no-one has joined (unless anyone decides to share this story to their friends) where Sans is the most powerful character in the universe, then I thought multi-level scale and he is on multiverse level op'ness. This is cause he is stronger than Ink, more capable of destruction, but is the laziest being since the beginning, when his soul was created. This character can be called Op!sans or Atom!sans, personally I prefer Quantum!Sans. He can, as guessable, control atoms. When he was born, he was but a soul. That soul was so powerful yet so weak, that it made a body for itself rather than staying a regular old soul. He literally created a body, a human/part animal skeleton (I have always loved the tailled sans.), out of nothing but thin air. (Well, saying that, it was probably very thick air)

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