Life in general

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Well at some point someone has to think: "Why am I here? What am I doing with my life? What is life?" And I have some theorization to that.

So, I have one simple question... Why are we here? Now I have a few answers to that, based upon different ideas and possibilities. The first: science. The second: because why the fuck not? And the third: religion.

K, so let's elaborate on the first. We are here because science! What I mean by this is basically, ... ok there's two possible answers for this one.
One, a spore like start. Essentially, life started because a meteor came from space, landed on this fuckball of a planet that finally calmed down, and is now mostly ocean. That life grew and evolved and multiplied, and branched off into many different kingdoms and phylums and shit. That's how we have humans now.
And two, a more scientific idea. This is basically where a lot of plantlife grew on watery earth, and bacteria ate that to grow and evolve. I guess something like moss or something grew, because that actually has organisms growing in it already. This probably nakes more sense than the other one.

Now, for the second answer set: Why not?¿?¿?¿ Basically we just popped into existence, along with this world and the rest of the solar system, this galaxy, and the rest of this universe. That's about it.

Now third is religion. I won't get into too much detail, as I actually am not that religious I don't know much about how the universe started anyway. First I will say: nothing about jesus or god hating gays is in the bible. nothing. Anyway, second thing, is that one god or another made earth first. Thought to make everything deadly. Make a bunch of animals. Which can obviously all kill. And then make humans. And then of course make the rest of the universe and have it be boring as fuck because only earth needs to be important right? So yeah. Then make other gods so humans pray to them and forget or just not know the original one. (This totally isn't a theory about the christian/catholic god making all other gods and pretending they aren't there... totally...)

ANYWAY! I think we should move onto the next question, which is "What am I doing with my life?" Oh this one is an easy one...

you are sitting down in your chair or lying in your bed, being a lazy shit, and reading this fuckboi say stupid shit constantly.

No let's be serious, and re-phrase the question... how about to "What should I be doing with my life?" That's actually a good one.

Ok, so first, you should be getting ready for any event you have. If you are completely free for the day, then read on.
Second, you should probably go to the gym or at least go shopping for some actual food, not the doritos and coke you have in your fridge. This can get you healthier, and can make you feel better about life. Going to the gym can increase that by a lot, and can as well make you fit. That is a huge benifit to you, cause then you can do more stuff, and probably be better equipped for a job or something.
Third, get a job. I don't care if you are 15 or if you are 38, you should get one. And especially if you fit the latter. Everyone can do well with a job in life. I may not have one, but at least I am working towards one. Most teens these days are going straight to youtube, to both watch and upload videos. Now youtube isn't a bad job, but you do need a good fanbase, or at least a lot of views to earn money. And besides, getting money is hard if you aren't very famous on youtube. This is why you should get an actual job on the side, or full time even, so you earn actual money while you wait for internet money from youtube (which'll probably end up demonetizing you anyway cause fuck people anyway, right?) Go for something you're good at, cause you should do well in that job.
And fourth: Just fuck off from social media. It's a waste of time, it can ruin your mental state, it can ruin friendships, and most of all, it can ruin you. Social media is great, as it can keep you in touch with your friends, family, work colleagues, and news. But it is also fucking awful. It is a waste of time because even after 10 years or so of a friendship milestone, you guys may not even actually know each other and one of your accounts will probably be removed anyway. Now I say it can ruin friendships, because you can occasionally learn more about a friend that you did not know, and probably did not want to know about them. You can learn opinions that are absolutely awful, ideas that can destroy you, or just straight up quotes from them that mean the most to you yet they don't know it. This probably won't happen, but you should still be on guard anyway. Yeah social media is a bitch really... it can and has destroyed many people's mental states and occasionally taken their lives. And that is because of such stupid reasons that I don't even want to list them off. And finally, social media can destroy you. So what I mean with this is basically, if through the low chances of you getting hacked or something similar like saying something you shouldn't, you can lose all of your private information. Private information, something you should know about, is something you do not want to lose. If you put it on the internet, it is there forever, and if you do something like simply saying a password or sometimes an account name or email adress, your account may be used and your private stuff usually will get stolen, (unless the person you say it to is a very trusted person) and most of the time is used for blackmail, spam, or is sold to the black market, as info is very useful these days to everyone. Yeah just don't use social media. Be social though. It's a good thing.

And now, the almighty question: "What is Life?". Life, simply put, is the term given to an "alive" being, mainly meaning that they aren't dead. At least, that's what I think it is. I mean, it is basically a term for sonething that breathes, that has at least one sense, that can do something on it's own. Life is not the immovable object, but the thing that is trying to push it.
I know, a very useful definition, right?

Either way, Imma stop now. It's like 1am, yeah I should sleep now or i'll die of the death. Yea baiiiiiiiii

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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