Chapter 4: Together and Sacrifices

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Will Cipher's view:

(Y/n) and I made it to Steven's house. I really hope he trusts me well enough to let me into there house... (Y/n) knocks on Steven's door and it opens with Steven peeking outside.

"(Y/n)! You're here!" He cheered, then he gives (Y/n) a tight hug. (Y/n) buffs and tries to breath normally as Steven gives her a hug. I feel a sting of jealousy, but I brush it off and wait patiently for Steven to wrap up his hug with (Y/n).

"Y-Yeah, but next time you hug me try to not kill me!" (Y/n) joked with Steven, he laughs and laughs. Wait, kill (Y/n)!? My instincts make me summon my blue katana and I hold it up to Steven's throat, I have glaring eyes dead into Steven's. I swear no one will hurt (Y/n); "Whoa Whoa! Will! That was only a joke! He really isn't going to kill me!" (Y/n) exclaimed to me, I realize everything once (Y/n) explained it all to me. I vanished my weapon and I looked down to the wood lined deck.

"I-I'm sorry S-Steven." I apologized to Steven, what am I thinking? This is (Y/n)'s friend! She trusts him, and I just met her yesterday.

"I-It's okay Will, Many of the gems I've ever met get really confused with humans and things on Earth." Steven forgives me, I sigh in relief. First day trying to fit in with (Y/n) and her friends are already failing. I mentally face palm myself.

"So Steven, you ready for some 'getting to know each other' time?" (Y/n) said in a bubbly tone. I smile knowing (Y/n) is a kind and positive girl. She still only sees us as 'friends' though, I want to change that. But how do I start?

"Sure am! Come inside guys! I've got cupcakes!" Steven sings, (Y/n)'s eyes widen in happiness.

"Cupcakes?! Where!?" (Y/n) asks dashing into Steven's house, I hovered slowly behind her. Inside Steven's house is a small kitchen in one corner. With some stairs leading to be Steven's bedroom on the other side. I spun around swiftly, taking in all the sights of Steven's house.

Time Skip.........(Sorry, Author-Chan is sorta lazy T-T)

Me, (Y/n), Steven, and Connie all sat in a circle. I discovered while hanging out with them is that Steven is in a relationship with Connie, so I feel relieved that (Y/n) isn't dating Steven. I asked her if she feels upset to be only a friend to Steven.

"At first, I felt sad that Steven didn't feel the same way about me. However, now I'm happy that he gets the girl he's always wanted." (Y/n) explains to me. I smile knowing I have a chance with having her to be mine! But, what kind of human would want a gem like me? Stop thinking negative! She says she loves me, she only wants to know me more. We ate cupcakes and chatted about random things, from favorite foods to personal things about life and family issues. I heard out of the corner of my ear a bling sound coming from the warp pad. I whipped my head to see a Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl standing in the middle of the warp pad. I gulped down my last bite of my cupcake nervously as I see all there eyes staring at me. 

"STEVEN?! CONNIE?! (Y/N)?! WHO IS THIS GEM?!" Pearl gasped and she immediately grabs Steven, Connie and (Y/n) away from me. I feel so heart broken. Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl take out there weapons and brace themselves for a fight. I get to my feet and I back away slowly, I don't want to fight them all! This isn't even a fair match! Three against one?! 

"Wait guys! Don't hurt him!" (Y/n) begged to the three gems. Nope, they charged to me and tried to impel me with there sharp edged weapons. I dodged as best I could, but their so fast! I have no choice but to summon my blue katana to protect myself. I still refuse to fight the three gems, but I still use my katana to block attacks from the defective gems that escaped the Diamonds demands. Just like me.....

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