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"I SAID SIT STILL! DONT BE A HERO KID!" The alarms triggered as usual and the gate descended over the front door. He appeared at the gate in a flash and began banging on it.

New plan, I'm not going to steal his Gift. I was a little tired after that Rewind but still had a little energy. I summoned the riot shield again and rushed at him, he turned around and let off a shot quickly. The shield deflected it and I threw it to the side as I tackled him again. The gun slid in a different direction and landed next to where Lux was crouched. I tried to pin the robber to the ground but he was much more stronger than me. He managed to raise his right arm and grab my wrist. He twisted and flipped me on my back. I quickly jumped up as he slammed his hand on the ground where my head was. Suddenly he was behind me and put his arm around my neck in a head lock. I couldn't keep up with his speed with my eyes, it was all a blur. I struggled in the head lock but he only squeezed tighter.


I look up and Lux is standing there, gun in hand. She had a nasty look on her face, she looked more angry than afraid. The robber laughed.

"You think you can shoot me? I can run faster than that bullet. Maybe you'd even hit your boyfriend here." He squeezed harder before I could object.

"Let him go..." she said slowly.

"You're not the one calling the shots!" he snapped. Sirens began to wail from outside. Police were the bane of any person with a Gift. They showed no mercy to people who used their Gift's for any advantage, no matter how small it is. The robber cursed under his breath and started backing away towards the front door.

"HEY! OPEN THIS GATE OR ILL SNAP HIS NECK!" The cashier nodded profusely and pressed the button under the counter. The gate began to raise and he slowly backed up again, keeping an eye on Lux.

"Not one step closer..." he said. I backed up with him and eventually we reached the door, when we turned around, police cars had surrounded the place. Officers stood behind their car doors, guns drawn. One officer had a microphone:

"Step away from the kid." he said. The robber slowly loosened his grip on my neck and stepped away from me. I couldn't tell what he was planning, but he obviously wasn't going to turn himself in. The robber put his hands in the air and walked towards the officers. Once he was close, an officer approached him slowly, handcuffs ready. But when he got close, the robber struck him in the gut and ripped his gun out the holster.


I ducked instantly as the officers began to open fire on the robber. The bullets hit the gas station building and the people inside began to scream. I looked up from lying on the ground and saw that the robber had disappeared. The police were confused, but I knew exactly what happened. I stood up, wiped myself off, and walked back into the gas station while the police were screaming at me. Glass was all over the floor and spilled drinks made it slippery. I looked around for Lux but couldn't find her. Suddenly I spotted a trail of blood leading to the women's restroom. I ran through the door and found Lux on the floor in her own blood.

"Help me..." she said in a raspy voice.

I cursed so many times a sailor would have scolded me. I scooped up Lux in arms and kicked the door open. I jogged as fast as possible out of the gas station where the officers were. They kept yelling at me to stop but I had no intention of doing so. I reached Lux's van and opened the passenger door. Carefully, I lowered her into the seat and took off my jacket. She was breathing really hard and shallow breaths. Her eyes were barely open, but I couldn't let her go to sleep now. I lifter her jacket and saw the wound, a gunshot. A stray bullet from officers must have hit her. I was pissed now, how does law enforcement act so recklessly?

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