Chapter 12

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Angels POV

God I didn't want him to leave my side for the night.

" Taylor can you stay with me tonight". I asked him hoping he would agree.

" Angel are you sure you want to take things so fast between us". Instead of answering his question I kissed him instead, and looked up to him and looked into his eyes.

"Does that answer your question" I told him.

He just stared at me in disbelieve and laid down next to me. He grabbed my waist tightly as I could feel him kissing my neck.

" Taylor are you sure you will be able to sleep in those Jeans and T-shirt.I asked hopefully making sure he was comfortable.

" I think I can get cozy". He stood up from the bed and pulled of his shirt. He pulled of his jeans leaving him in his perfectly shaped boxers. God he looked so sexy. He looked at me as my eyes were popping while I looked in direction.

"You like what you see". He asked. I just nodded not knowing what I could possibly could say to him.

He laid down next to me and held me by my waist and went to sleep. God he looks so cute while he sleeps.

I fall asleep and wake up to face Taylor "Morning Beautitful"."What Time is it " Iasked reluctantly. "10:40pm" is all he said as he tightly wrapped his strong arms around my waist again and tried to go to sleep again as it was a Sunday. I had my harmons jumping and I had the urge to kiss him. I controlled myself for what seemed like hours then when I couldn't take it anymore I turned around and faced him".

" Did I ever tell you how sexy you are " he asked as he kissed my lips lightly. " does that answer your

question" I smirkred and tried to pull out of his embrace." No you dont " " Yeh I did and i ran to the kitchen and picked up my cell phone and called Emily and knowing Emily at this time she should be sleeping and not wanting to get disturbed but yet knowing her habits I called her. " hello whoever this is better have a good reason to call me before I send you to hell on earth and yea I am making a promise so yea what is it that you want and couldn't wait". " Jeez em that's a load of memorizing don't you think it's kinda alot for you but anyways we are meeting today at the mall in 25 mins and yea better hurry up wouldn't want you to be late.

I ran back to my room and saw Taylor looking extremely pale. " Taylor what is going on, why are you looking so pale" I inquired " Angel my mom had an accident "

Ahahahahahaha cliff hanger but I promise to update soon



No proofreading so don't mind the mistakes

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2012 ⏰

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