You Can Be The Boss Daddy

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The war is about to begin. Energon is now scarce. Bots are hiding wherever they can. It's getting darker and scarier out. I wouldn't last if I hadn't got with the program. So that's what I'm doing. I'm forced to. But maybe it's not all bad. I am not going to go without energon or be afraid and hide. I have travelled and been hiding out just to get to him. I stood behind a tall piece of what was left of a building. I noticed new recruitment walking down the streets. They couldn't see me so I peeked my head out when the main one in front looked to his left toward me. I stepped back and pressed my body against the piece of building trying not to be seen. He squinted his eyes and then turned his attention back to the street in front of him.

'Dammit! I thought I was the first femme!' I thought watching him walk down with his tall feminine legs.

"Check over there, Breakdown" I heard him say in a raspy voice commanding the other to look behind anything on the side that I was on.
'Shit!' I tried to hide by curling up in a ball. "Wait, that's a boy?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Yep" He turned around and snapped at me. I rolled my eyes at my own defeat and rose my hands in defense walking carefully toward him.

"Join us or die" the fe/male held up a gun.
"Okay" I smiled now beside of him. "Let's go!" I chirped placing my hand on his shoulder.

He snarled at me as we continued to walk. I giggled. He didn't like me. :)

"How far do we have to walk?" I asked looking at the destroyed street beyond us. It looked completely different than before. Kind of sad.

"Megatron said until we have enough recruits" a red one with a nasally voice behind him said.

"Speaking of Megatron, where might he be?" I turned to him and asked walking backwards.

"He's close."

I looked around a saw a ship above us. It was so big it almost make feel nauseous looking up. "Up there?" I pointed.

"Yeah-" Starscream answered when his watch beeped. The beeping noise before he spoke made him jump which made me laugh again.

"Starscream, who's the pink one with you?" He almost sounded frustrated.

"A recruitment?" He said like it was a stupid question.

"Really?" I heard his voice growl in a seductive way. "Send her to me. We need to have an interview." God, that growl sent bolts through my body. This has to be him: this has to be what I came all this way for.

"How come I didn't have to interview?" Starscream tilted his head with a hint of seduction in his voice.

"You had your interview with me a long time ago. Send her my way" He ordered and then went off of the tiny screen on his watch.

Starscream rolled his eyes and turned to me.

"Go" He pointed at the ship. He almost looked sad.

I jumped up and down clapping. I ran up a hill that was to my left and saw the stairs drop from the ship above me. My heart raced as I ran up them. There was a door at the top. As soon as I got to the top the white doors slid open. I took a deep breath as I entered the dark room with hues of purple in the atmosphere.

I cleared my throat as I nervously paced around. Then a light beamed on me. I squinted my optics as I looked in front of me. There was a chest plate in my face. My head travelled up to see a face.
"What's your name?" He growled as he placed two fingers on my chin. My spark skipped a beat.

"I-Uh, Th-Thunderblast" All of a sudden I was nervous! After everything I had done to get here, I was stuttering. I guess he didn't notice or didn't mind it.
"Pretty. You're wanting to be a recruitment?" His voice had this purr in it with every word and every sentence.

"Yes" I squeaked looking into his glowing red optics.

"We'll have to have... An interview then" He pinched my chin with his nails. I think this was a test and I didn't fail it. I smiled as he drug his nail done my chin earning a scraping noise. I only smiled harder and giggled at him.

"First test, passed" he said as he put a hand on my shoulder.

He led me toward some stairs. I walked by his side until we reached the top. Then I saw the throne. He took a seat and looked up at me. Was this the interview? He placed his hands on my waist and looked up at me. I wanted to sit on his lap but I didn't know if he wanted me to.

"You're a pretty little femme."

"You aren't too bad" I giggled. Was that bad to say?

"I like your spark..." He looked at my chest plate then. "Literally" he smirked.

Was he gonna rip my spark out? Shit.

"Oh" I giggled leaning my body in more toward him. His hands travelled down to my hips which caused me to lean in more.

"And your body" He growled increasing his grip on my hips. I couldn't believe he was doing this to me. Made me so happy.

"I think you're pretty well built, as well" I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"But" He brought a hand up to my neck but didn't squeeze it. I was now afraid.

"Can you fight?" I didn't look at him. I couldn't with the way his hand was on me.
"I can" I breathed nervously looking at the black ceiling.

"Show me?" He let go of me completely. I removed my arms from him.

"Um- how?" I stood there confused.

How was I supposed to fight with no one. Fight myself? Then he stood up. Oh shit.

"Fight me" He took my hand and led me down the stairs. Did

he literally just bring me up to the throne to feel me up and then bring me down here to fight me? He's so cute. He brought me to the floor where we just were right in front of the doors. It was so dark I could barely see him. He stood in front of me and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well?" He asked annoyed.

I breathed hard. I stepped back from him about ten good steps. I rose my arms up and kicked my right leg out letting my legs go up in the air. I came back down and did a one handed cartwheel as my legs caught around around his head.

Now thinking about this, this isn't a good fighting move, it's a sexual move. Oh shit. I started laughing madly when I realized my position.

"I like this" he growled against me. Just him talking so close to that part of me made me vibrate. "But it's not a good fighting strategy" he said as he brought his hands up to cup my aft.

"You're right" I let my body fall limp as I fell down and stretched my arms out below me pressing my hands against the floor. I unlatched my legs and did a handstand for a brief moment before stomping the floor with my feet. I came up out the now formed bridge and turned around to look at him.

I had just realized that the spotlight was still on me so he could see everything I was doing but I couldn't see him. He had a smirk on his face.


"Tha-" I breathed out before he interrupted me.

"But I don't know if that makes you a good fighter or not" he came closer. He pinched my chin looking down at me. I flinched at the sudden pain. "You got the skill, let's see if we can teach you to fight?" He almost sounded angry pinching harder.

"Am I good with my body?" I whispered.

"Very. But I'm sure fighting isn't the only thing you use those flexible skills for, is it?"

Wow, he was getting close and brave.

"Wanna find out?" I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"That's the real interview" he growled licking his razor sharp teeth.

With that, he led me to another room. This part, I was ready for. This is my best skill, pleasing with my body. He's gonna keep me around forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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Money, Power, Glory ~ Megatron x ThunderblastWhere stories live. Discover now