11.) welcome

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Baekhyun POV

"Hyung!we're (Gyuwen) not classmates!what should I do??"I called Kris hyung on my phone,I know he's busy at his work but I need help!

"Aish!you brat!why are you disturbing me?!Im on the middle of my meeting!"he shouted,opppsss..I didn't mean to do that....

"Well first of all Im so sorry!!second is Gyuwen is not my classmate!how can I suppose to make us close to each other??please hyung help me!you're the only one who understands and help me,please Kris hyung!!"I said,I thought Gyuwen and I were classmates but no,Im completely wrong!she's Sehun,Kai and Tao's classmate!not including me


"Hyung don't shout!"

"But you shouted first!okay If you're just going to treat me like that the bye-"

"No!!please Im so sorry,just help me already!"

"Okay,okay just pick her up on your breaktime,make sure that she will spend the whole breaktime with you!"he said,I heard a background voice,telling him to get back on their meeting already "ohh,I need to go now,Mom might kill me when she finds out that Im not doing my job,bye baek"he hang up

Okay I think he helped a li'l,this is so hard!I think I could 't do it anymore!I like a girl,her name is Eunhee,I really like her since The first time I saw her,love at first sight I guess,she already knew that I have feelings for her but she didn't say anything,she was just like -____- emotionless,I want her but Gyuwen.....*sigh* forget about my lovelife,Mom...I really hate you,I regret everything!

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