Dallas pov

I got ready in a yellow crop top and some high waisted jeans, I did my makeup and walked down stairs
"Dallas why are you wearing that"my mom asked "mom it's like 1,000 degrees outside!"I replied annoyed in liked my sisters I dress to "revealing" I mean I have a nice body I workout to much for me not to show it "let's go everybody!" My mom yelled out getting in the car

We arrived at my moms friends house they always have small parties and other families come along we are the I guess "more known family" we have camera crews fallowing us everywhere it gets annoying

I sat down inside to get away from all the cameras I sat down on the nice silky couch I glanced outside and noticed a family I've never seen before their was a younger boy by their side guessing it's their son
I continued on my phone looking down at the screen, I felt the couch dip down I turned and saw the boy that was outside he had a nice jaw he was literally mouth watering he glanced up at me and smiled I returned the smile

"Hey I'm jack" he said "I'm Dallas" I replied "your kris's daughter right?" He asked "yuP" I said popping the p "so wanna do something its pretty boring" he said "yeah uh let's play hand slap"I replied "hand what?"he asked "you put your hands on mine then I try to flip my hands over yours and if I slap them you have to do the same to me"I explained "okay" he said

We continued for about ten minutes

"CHEATER" he yelled I laughed at him "How is it possible to cheat"I said still laughing "oh really"he said standing up and grabbing me and tickling me "ahhh sto-p ha-ha-h"I said not able the say anything I notice the cameras when I front of us my mom was talking to her friend and we where clearly in the background "jack we should go outside" "sure lets go"he said reaching for my hand I happily accepted it and walked out "mom this is jack.." I paused "Gilinsky" he finished "nice meeting you jack" my mom replied "mom may I go home please" I begged "the driver will take you guys in assuming you're going with her jack?" "Yeah" I said I kissed her cheek and walked off "so jack how old are you 17? 16? 15?! " "no I'm not hah I'm 19 ,You?" I paused wait..... "Jack I'm 16" I replied he looked surprised "B-butt you look 19?!!" "I get that a lot!" I said we arrived and we got out the car there
was flashing cameras everywhere I grabbed his hand and ran inside

The camera crew was probably still at the party with my mom and sisters "we can go up to my room jack" I said walking up the stairs "you don't look your age Dallas" he said once again "jack I know I don't we could be friends still" I said sitting on my bed "what do you do jack like your family" I asked "well my dad and mom have many companies around the world and I make music with my friend" "cool" I said he looked up at me and slowly leaned in we connected lips and it turned into a heated make out "Dallas you are to young maybe we should try this when you are old enough" jack said grabbing his button up shirt and putting it on while we walked out of my room "oh okay" I replied a little sad he walked out and I could hear the cameras flashing I layed in bed thinking about what jack said

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